What temps slow down mites?


Active Member
I have been using Azo on my mite issue for weeks and every other week they are BACK!

I have BIG BUDS and damaged leafs.

How long until the norcal weather hits them harder and kills them or slowes them down?
I don't know about temps, but I heard that high humidity will kill them. Apparently they swell up and burst. If you've got thick buds then be careful that the humidity doesn't cause mould to develop


Well-Known Member
Here's a good link on spider mite dormancy. It is triggered primarily by photoperiod of 13 hrs or less.
Here is a quote from the link:
"Although the cooler temperatures of wintertime slows down spider mite breeding (they don't seem to actually stop breeding unless it's cooler than about 52 F),"


If you only use Azo, you should consider rotating it with a spinosad such as "Conserve"
It is very good stuff.....2 or 3 applications of each, then change
Good luck bud :peace:


Active Member
go to the store and get get a couple hot shot no pest strips and put 2-3 of them around your plants and in a few days you will have the prblem fixxed!!!!!!! I use them all the time and they work every time for me. some people will tell you that they dont work but i think thats because they cant see it working or dont leave it in the area long enough. good luck


Active Member
I don't know about temps, but I heard that high humidity will kill them. Apparently they swell up and burst. If you've got thick buds then be careful that the humidity doesn't cause mould to develop
no high humidity will not kill them. it will make them more active. i have had them and battled with them for 3 crops before using pest strips and finally get rid of them and now i just keep a pest strip or two in the room and have no more pests at all


its outside grow,
Outside grow with spider mites ?? Now thats weird. 'Never seen a mite problem outdoors as natural predators eliminate them. If you've rotting vegetation around or near your plants, get rid of it, as well as anything else that might encourage these evil bastards. Indoors, despite what queenster says, mites are virtually impossible to get rid of, even using no-pest strips. You can control them by lowering temps. to 20 deg. c. or so and letting the humidity drift to 70% or so, enough so that you can get a decent harvest. I've had the problem myself many times. After the harvest I fumigate the growroom with burning sulphur. Kills bloody everything !

What exactly is your situation outdoors ? Are your plants in a patch with other vegetation close by ? Can bugs and birds and other wildlife have free access ? Spider mites outdoors are a new one on me. In fact I'm sure somebody told me once that ants chew them up, and you should see plenty of ants around farming the aphids that appear for their sweet dew.


Active Member
No I have mites, I had them last year also. Every one in my area gets them and they are a bitch.
I do put hay on the smart pots as the sun leaches the water almost bone dry by the end of the day.

I got these mites from an inside grow (Clones) in a very warm garage with bugs!

Any way the deal in my area is the cold soon knocks the population down, I hope soon!

Im doing azo 3x a week for 2 weeks as mites have several generations.
I have big bushy plants also that could use a trim.


No I have mites, I had them last year also. Every one in my area gets them and they are a bitch.
I do put hay on the smart pots as the sun leaches the water almost bone dry by the end of the day.

I got these mites from an inside grow (Clones) in a very warm garage with bugs!

Any way the deal in my area is the cold soon knocks the population down, I hope soon!

Im doing azo 3x a week for 2 weeks as mites have several generations.
I have big bushy plants also that could use a trim.
OK, I live and learn. To my knowledge cold doesn't kill them but their reproduction drops to zero, so yeah, colder weather will help you a lot