Started from a seed older than myself


There is something surreal about the fact that a little seed had been waiting in an old Tylenol bottle for longer than I have even been on this planet. Right now, it's been a plant for about 3 weeks, any idea why the leaves on top are thinner than the ones on the bottom?

No nutes yet,
1:1:1 ratio of FF ocean forest, happy frog, and perlite
Temps were really erratic for the first 2 weeks and I don't even know what the RH was, but now that I have a couple digital thermometers and a hydrometer that records max/min
I know I have not gone above 88F or below 68F, RH stays 40-60%
I've been using CO2 but I don't have a sensor, so I wing it in that department.
watering infrequently and only when my finger stays dry 2" in to the soil.

This is my first grow and while I have other plants that came from new seeds, I thought it was cool that this one is at least 25 years old and it's sort of important that I keep it alive (to me anyways).

Thank you,


Well-Known Member
i am drawn to grows like these, not many seem to go too well
but i like what i see, some indica influence(probably), but that is a pronounced change from one leaf set to the next
so if you post progress, i'll watch


New leaves are coming in now, it's growing faster since I reworked some ventilation and I have more of the variables under control.

I should have mentioned that I'm now using a 400w Metal Halide conversion bulb, when I first set up the tent I was using a 400w HPS. I had the HPS bulb going for probably around 2 weeks on this plant before switching to MH. I didn't want/mean to make that switch. I tried to tell the really nice older lady at the grow shop about 6 times that I wanted an HPS bulb but she kept insisting that the MH conversion bulb was the same.

*side note, I have owned a few aquariums for years including a large marine reef I may not know a ton about light, but I do know a little.

anyways... I bought the bulb and sure enough, the light it was emitting was very different than the HPS but I stuck with it.

Maybe that would explain the leaf differences?

Oh and my girlfriend's father was one of us many years ago, growing tons of plants on his property for his friends and himself. He stopped about 25 years ago and passed away 4 months ago. My girl's mom found a tylenol bottle with around 50 seeds in it from when he used to grow and she gave it to me. It started as a joke, they didn't think I stood a chance at getting one to even sprout. Haha...

Now we have a cute little plant and it's kind of special to us...if it turns out to be a dude we might keep it anyways, fuck it.

Btw, thank you for being supportive, it really means a lot when it's your first post on a new site. :)


Well-Known Member
Amazing.... 25 year old seeds... im kind of gutted now... i found some really old seeds in an old house we were renivating last year... but they looked kind of fucked so i didnt even keep them.... Hope yours work out well!!!


Well-Known Member
nice color, but the 1st set looks like it may have lost a bit of color, how large was the pot?
everyone here seem to be rooting(pun intended) for the best outcome

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That plant is looking really healthy!!! What are you feeding it? I wouldn't even bother with CO2 supplementation, unless you have experience at it. I'd just be happy as hell it's doing so well. Think about it. A mystery strain from the 80's. Even if its a male (God forbid) I'd record the characteristics it displays, photograph it, grow it out anyway and collect the pollen for possible future use. (Isolate it from any other girls you may have, of course!!) I hope it's a female for you, tho..... Keep posting periodic pics.


Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty cool. With that much sentimental value for that one plant almost seems like it's the only female plant in an all male plant society. Do what you can to keep it alive, and hope it's a female. Hope you keep posting updates on this one.