It needs just a bit more work to perfect that roof, but we worked together to make sure it was as snug and clean as possible with what we had. I really like what we accomplished today, I didn't expect to get as much done as we did, I got to drink a beer too
We need a bit more rope, and it needs to be zip tied a few more times but you guys have a pretty awesome greenhouse so far and I'm getting some awesome experience learning. I like the set up so far, but I agree with Andrew that it should be a little shorter this winter. Since the numbers are going to be legal and the plants aren't going to get very tall, if you and Andrew sign that form TWS posted you can have 12 plants flowering in that Greenhouse
as long as you don't have any plant's in your backyard you claim legal responsibility or have legal documents representing said plant's
6 mature and 12 immature can be represented by a designated caregiver in a co-op if a member is unable to produce these plants themselves. For example, a member may be able to put 12 plant through the vegetative stage, but not flower them, this member can give 6 of their plants to flower to another member of the co-op, even though they already have 6 in flower of their own. This is all temporary status, but 2 months is pretty temporary in my books. But I'm no lawyer.
Same goes vice versa.
But I think the greenhouse should have the bottom poles removed for half height, and I think the half greenhouse should be lifted up on two cinder blocks to gain a little bit of height, better air flow with solid walls, and keep it from blowing away with the crazy winds.
......and I was going to say some other stuff but I've been drinking beer, and it smells like it's time to pull dinner out of the oven. Late dinner, I know.