outdoor plants leaves are turning yellow all of them and there not ready yet..


outdoor plants leaves are turning yellow all of them and there not ready yet..
stem looks good but all my leaves are yellow and dieing off quick one bud even looks like its dieing... help please have never had this problem before


Well-Known Member
prolly normal. The plant is dying and it is supposed to so just let it die at its own speed. You'll be fine


Active Member
prolly normal. The plant is dying and it is supposed to so just let it die at its own speed. You'll be fine
I personally don't think there's anything normal about a plant dying before harvest time lol

OP do you have any pics? its probably the only way we can help you.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well I did a quick google check and there does seem to be some wiggle room as to wether or not MJ is an anual or perenial. I am under the belief that it is an annual and if left to it's own resources (without divine intervention) that it will begin the process of dying in the fall just prior to harvest. The exact moment of harvest is a point within that period of demise. If you disagree with that then we have a disagreement and have a good life.


Active Member
Ok, well I did a quick google check and there does seem to be some wiggle room as to wether or not MJ is an anual or perenial. I am under the belief that it is an annual and if left to it's own resources (without divine intervention) that it will begin the process of dying in the fall just prior to harvest. The exact moment of harvest is a point within that period of demise. If you disagree with that then we have a disagreement and have a good life.
No no, you misunderstand lol, I was just saying that a plant dying before harvest time isn't a good thing. so I am indeed agreeing with you but not at the same time? lol forgive me I'm kind of high.

Yeah theres been lots of leaf spot disease popping up in places, but with the description given to us which consists of "outdoor plants leaves are turning yellow all of them and there not ready yet..
stem looks good but all my leaves are yellow and dieing off quick one bud even looks like its dieing...",
We can not tell what OP is exactly talking about with no picture or a better description at least. Theres plenty of things that cause yellowing in plants, deficincies, diseases, overfeeding, "the dreaded leaf spot disease" and the list goes on.

Are the leaf edges burned or rusted?

Are there spots on the leaves?

Are these yellowing leaves on the bottom part or top part of the plant?

I'd recommend googling the marijuana deficiency chart, and if nothing matches, find a way to take some pics.


Came on here looking for an answer to this too....Mine are all dropping leaves super fast, but I thought it was part of the normal life cycle of the plant. I'm in my first grow and am trying to finish it up in the next few weeks. Will check out the spot disease thread for more info.


Well-Known Member
It's all good. I have some leafspot myself. liquid copper has helped to control it so far. Didn't sound as if that was your issue but I could be mistaken too. I have a plantthat has been struggling for the whole grow. lost a butload of leaves I just kinda gave up on her and am taking what I get but after removing all the yellow leaves, she looks better than she did and is doing at least a little better than before. Didn't do anything though. just pulled the dead leaves off


no spots and all the leaves are yellow.
were im at we still have a month to go before harvest... and my other girls are green and lushes all growen the same way