cow pasture casualties


Active Member
Started the spring out wit 7 plants spread out around cow pasture. Everytime I freaking go to check on them one is trampled, pulled up. Or just dead I've been goin out there twice a week and giving them general organic mix and all I got is one left.I've done a lot of indoor but not many successfull outdoor but I have high hopes for this blue widow!IMG-20110909-00257.jpgIMG-20110909-00257.jpg
first off Dont put them where cows can eat them if you ever see on here people fighting deer and other animals off there plant a big fucking cow will eat the shit out of them fuckers lol
if i planted in a cow field, i would be stupid to think they are not gonna be at the very least steped on by a cow...not to mention eating super super suprised that one is still alive...for that i give you props
I know but its was the only place I had. I planned it all out but then I seen people in the spot I wanted to use so I figured putting them in the middle of some bullthistle and inbetween some broke down ass tractors that I didn't think a cow could get to. It mighta been the deer they are very abundant I hunt this property in the fall for deer sand duck n goose so I'm very certain they are there but I figured the bull thistle and tractors blockin the way at least ill learn for next year rite! You guys wanna see my indoor crop they are some fire flame frisian dew and burmese grapefruit