need some help plzzz


hello everybody i just joined and already asking for help sorry lol..
this is my first grow and i would like for it to work out
i will be taking and posting alot of pics so hope you stay tuned..

here is what i got to work with..

(water) will be tap water left out for 24-30 hours to remove clorine and make room temp correct? get a ph level of 6.3-6.9?

(soil) i will be using fox farms ocean forest.. is this a good choice?
will i need to add anything to this soil?

(nutrions) i will be using fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.
again is this a good choice?

have 3 fans 1 bringing in fresh air 1 venting area and 1 osculating in area

the entire room has been painted white for light reflection.
the floor has been covered with plywood and painted white aswell.

will be getting my seeds from nirvana.
(planting area) that is 5'w-2'd-4'h
for my plants while they are in thr solo cups

(growing area) that is 5'w-3.5'd-8'h
for my plants once they go in there big pots..

both areas are in same room just got veg area on a counter top
with a walk way in between both areas.. hope that makes sence?

start with the planting area...
1) what would be the best light to use?
2) how long should the light stay on?
3) how far should i keep the light from the top of the plant?
4) do i need to give the plant nutrions or just water for now?
5) how long should i keep plant here before i transplant it?
6) any other info that i may need?

now on to the growing area....
i have a 400w mh+hps light package that came with hood ballest and timer

1) how long do i use the mh bulb?
2) how far should the light be from the plant?
3) i keep the light on the same as planting right?
4) do i start giving it nutrions now?
5) any other info that i may need?

once i switch bulbs
1) do i switch to 12 on and 12 off now?
2) how far should light be from plant?
3) any other info that i may need?

how do i control the humidity in the room?

i know this is a lot and im sorry in advance i just dont want to leave any guess work in this want it to turn out right lol..
thanks in advance for your time and advice HAPPY GROWING/SMOKING


Active Member
Lots of questions, I'll try and answer a few. I use Fox farms soil and it does a great job, so do the nutes. DO NOT feed for about 4 to 6 weeks, there are plenty of nutes in the soil. Lights; T-5's and cfl's are good for seedlings and fresh clones. The 400 watt setup you have is a good start. Use the mh bulb as long as you want, until they are the size you want really. Plants double (minimum) if not triple in height while flowering. Sorry, that's all I got for ya, just took a nice bongrip and the mind ain't functioning at 100% at the moment. OH! Btw, handle , water, feed, etc, your plants sober!


Well-Known Member
hello everybody i just joined and already asking for help sorry lol..
this is my first grow and i would like for it to work out
i will be taking and posting alot of pics so hope you stay tuned..

here is what i got to work with..

(water) will be tap water left out for 24-30 hours to remove clorine and make room temp correct? get a ph level of 6.3-6.9?

(soil) i will be using fox farms ocean forest.. is this a good choice?
will i need to add anything to this soil?

(nutrions) i will be using fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.
again is this a good choice?

have 3 fans 1 bringing in fresh air 1 venting area and 1 osculating in area

the entire room has been painted white for light reflection.
the floor has been covered with plywood and painted white aswell.

will be getting my seeds from nirvana.
(planting area) that is 5'w-2'd-4'h
for my plants while they are in thr solo cups

(growing area) that is 5'w-3.5'd-8'h
for my plants once they go in there big pots..

both areas are in same room just got veg area on a counter top
with a walk way in between both areas.. hope that makes sence?

start with the planting area...
1) what would be the best light to use?
2) how long should the light stay on?
3) how far should i keep the light from the top of the plant?
4) do i need to give the plant nutrions or just water for now?
5) how long should i keep plant here before i transplant it?
6) any other info that i may need?

now on to the growing area....
i have a 400w mh+hps light package that came with hood ballest and timer

1) how long do i use the mh bulb?
2) how far should the light be from the plant?
3) i keep the light on the same as planting right?
4) do i start giving it nutrions now?
5) any other info that i may need?

once i switch bulbs
1) do i switch to 12 on and 12 off now?
2) how far should light be from plant?
3) any other info that i may need?

how do i control the humidity in the room?

i know this is a lot and im sorry in advance i just dont want to leave any guess work in this want it to turn out right lol..
thanks in advance for your time and advice HAPPY GROWING/SMOKING
You have alot of questions that can easily be found in the grow forums, i would suggest you start there, they are not that hard to find


Active Member
PH should be between 5.6 and 6.2 i normally aim for 5.7/5.8
the veg room you could just use some cfls like 125 or 250 if you want to keep the electricity bills etc down or as closetgrower said used the MH bulb to veg
The light in the veg room is normally on 18hours a day off for 6 however you can leave them on for 24 hours
do the hand test put your hand over the plant and see if its hot if not lower it a little if its hot raise it a little
start of with just water and then start feeding after 4/5 weeks at 1/4 strength
keep it in the veg room for as long as you want until you reach your desirable size

I have a 600 watt hps and i have that just over 1 and 1/2 feet from plants due to heat
this light is only on 12 hours and off for another 12
you use different nutes now so check the feeding schedule
humidity i normally keep between 50-65%

ROOM TEMPS BETWEEN 72-85 degrees 74-76 is best

hope this helps


Ursus marijanus
I've read the Ocean Forest is a little "hot" (too many nutes) for seedlings . Use some different soil for starting?
cheers 'neer


Active Member
nutes are great. you wont harm them if you add too much. great choice for a beginner. "no pun intended" just not my choice. I like stuff readily available and not ordering shit offline or going out especially for the shit. Not good no matter what anybody on here says. This shit is illegal and dont you forget that. all them "special trips, special orders" CAN bring unwanted attention to you. Or worst case scenario be used against you if caught. keep this shit in mind. Next tear that plywood up off the floor. If concrete underneath put some sort of sealer down and paint that. Remember this is the floor. It will get wet, you will spill water etc when wood gets wet it rots. not to mention it is a great place for pest to hide. You get mites you're done with that wood in there cuz you wont be able to get all of them out. Soil is good, I would you that if I was careless enough to order it online however call it my paranoid nature but I have a pretty good career and dont want to further jeopardize that. Ph as you mentioned is good, some moron suggested 5.7 or something like that. YA IF IF IF IF you were in hydro that would be amazing but unless i missed something and fox farm is now producing hydro solution?? you're not in hydro you're in soil. so to that moron, JUST SHUT UP. keep your temps as close to 75 as possible but its not that big a deal just dont go over 90. My previous grow I hovered in them 90's for about a month and nothing came of it so Idk what these temps are all about maybe just something else to worry you but the worst I had from the heat was a few leaf tips curling and/or bleaching again it didnt harm the plants to any extent past that they turned out great, good yield, good quality and all the mumbo jumbo. Ph keep around 6.5 any where in there will be good just try not to go away from that too extreme. so 6.0-7.0 is about right. 7 is neutral so why not keep it close to neutral. That is where the plants perform the best so dont get all scientific on this. they are weeds they will pretty much grow no matter what. unless you water with roundup. (dont do this) if youre stupid enough to do that well, enough said. lol start them out 24/0 light for a couple weeks or until they appear to be growing great, good and healthy. then switch to 20/4 until they get close to 1/2 the size you want when finished. you can from here go 18/6 for 1 1/2 wks to ease the 12/12 switch stress or go straight to 12/12. I tried both ways going from 20/4 to 12/12 and going from 20/4 to 18/6 to 12/12 and going the longer route they finsihed about 1 week earlier. So it's a weeks difference, not a big deal really. use you fluro's or cfl's as long as you want then switch to Mh then whenever you're ready to do 12/12 let them keep the mh for the first week or week and a half then change the bulb to the hps. this lessens the stress caused from going in 12/12. The fewer things you can change at once the better. So by doing this they adjust to the 12/12 by itself then they andjust to the hps by itself. If its easier on them its easier on you. as far as how close you can put the light well put your hand under it hold your hand there and if it dont get to hot then its fine. (I) use my the inside of my forearm for this instead of my hand though. It's way more sensitive to heat then your hand. Everytime I used my damn hand I always had to move it up just a few more inches because although my hand was telling me it wasnt to warm the plants were telling me otherwise. so i thought whats more sensitive to warmth than my hand. then it clicked when you warm a baby's bottle you dont test it with your hand to see if its to hot, you use your inside forearm. so the moral of the story is this, once I used my forearm I didnt have to move it up the next day it was perfect. Let the plants tell you if its too close or too far. too close they'll curl or bleach too far they'll stretch like a weiner on a hot day. One more thing, I love how whenever someone asks a question its always the same response, "I've Read" this or that. How about not answering any questions UNLESS you KNOW from EXPERIENCE. Anyone can google shit and ASSUME it is true. Everything changes from grower to grower.


Active Member
and the humidty you can put a bowl of water in there under your lights and that will help out if this isnt enough alone hand wet paper towel from the ceiling this will further raise the humidity. aim for 50-60% but you'll want to drop it to just under 50% mid to late flowering otherwise you're going to have mold issues. better to keep it low then to waste all your hard work. you get mold and if you dont act fast or have no clue what the hell you're doing, it's game over. you wont be wanting to smoke that shit.


Active Member
No no fuck wit im in hydro so ill stick to that...seems to be working

was only trying to help out with what i know


Well-Known Member
that is bullshit....i didnt read anymore of that novel u wrote so i cant call anything else out....but id like to see u pour all ur nutes in and tell me they dont burn
I was gonna say the same thing haha. After the first sentence I lol'd


thanks to every1 for the advice and your time. if anything else stands out that i need to consider feel free to let me know. thanks again


Active Member
who the fuck would add the whole bottle? who even mentioned that, moron? If you add 1-2x's what you're supposed to, like if you slip and add a little bit too much??? following??? you won't burn them like you would with more advanced nutrients. but since you guys are still fucking with the novice shit, you must know it all right? BTW, where the fuck do you clowns get your rep? Do you sit here and message your buddies to give you more so you atleast LOOK like you know what the fuck you're talking about?


Active Member
you can plant as many as you'd like. depends what you want out of them really. you have 400w if I was in your shoes I would plant 2 at a time. are keeping it for yourself or.......? the less you have the more light they get so by having less you will have 2 plants that get bigger and produce more, but if you planted 4 or 6 then you would just have a bunch of smaller plants yielding about the same. so really the yield would be about the same I guess. but if you only do 2 then something happens youll only have 1 left at best. either way its up to you the grower how many you want and what you feel comfortable with. Personally I would only do 2. thats what I did with a 400w and they turned out immaculate