See How The Government Is Spending Our Money


Active Member
grab a couple doobies boys... if you really wanna understand the extent big gov is wasting our money then watch this's Ron Paul conducting a senate subcommittee hearing on monetary concerns...yea I know u almost fell asleep just reading that, but believe me it is worth your time to make yourself aware of the crumbling market situation



New Member
I don't think roll wants advertising on this site. So i don't think you can post the site that has the CLOCK......Luckily if your smart Enough you cAn find that web Page. I'm kind of new here getting the idea. We can work together for the better.


Active Member
That's pretty shocking, it's sad to see how much is wasted on such a harmless drug. perhaps if they spent the money on busting crackheads. - Or maybe even funding education. Shit, they could even help poor people. :|
I made a mistake in my platform for write in for President! We need to make Marijuana Legal. Then 1 stimulus package. The old teach a man to fish lesson, feed him for a life time. So every person that would pledge to grow their own and sell the extra and spend the earnings give them 5 Marijuana seeds to start. Sign them up for a Federal Grow Permit and a Tax Id Number to get what is the FICA now added to your Social Security. grizlbr Write in for President!


Active Member
I made a mistake in my platform for write in for President! We need to make Marijuana Legal. Then 1 stimulus package. The old teach a man to fish lesson, feed him for a life time. So every person that would pledge to grow their own and sell the extra and spend the earnings give them 5 Marijuana seeds to start. Sign them up for a Federal Grow Permit and a Tax Id Number to get what is the FICA now added to your Social Security. grizlbr Write in for President!
This would drive the price of mj down to a point where it wouldnt even be worth your time to grow it unless you were smoking it yourself. That isnt going to stimulate the economy in any significant way. The money we would save on law enforcement and imprisoning people would be very significant but still is nothing compared to the sea of cash we are spending on foreign endeavors, daily.. this is the real problem...we can wise up and have justified liberal legislation for marijuana but it will do nothing to help the growing financial crisis our nation is suffering.


Man can you guys imagen the day when we all wake up in the morning and canibis is leagal, man that will be a great day. This so stupid that the goverment can and does ignore the peaple. If your not intresed in fixing this Problem we call goverment then fuck you need to care get involed. Starting now im going to care more then i already did And im going to make it a mision of my to fight the fight.


Active Member
IMO there is an enormous amount of support for anti-marijuana laws coming from several areas in our economy. First and foremost, the DEA of course, using MILLIONS fighting a plant for crying out loud. Secondly it's the other vices that are legal and that do have political representation in our government; that's right folks tobacco and alcohol. If Marijuana becomes legal over 3/4 of everyone I know will hardly ever drink again and switch to smoking pot. Many friends of mine, professionals and business men alike, do not smoke simply because it is illegal but they would if it was. Think about it everyone, how much money would those big tobacco and alcohol companies loose if marijuana becomes legal in the US. You know how much money there is in advertisements in beers alone? There is WAY too much influence behind those big markets to allow marijuana to become legal. Only time will fix that IMO, their generation will subside to ours eventually and we would finally be in a position to control these markets. Marijuana would EXPLODE in the US if it were to be legal all throughout, creating jobs, extra revenue in form of taxation for state and local governments, creating another small business market to help young entrepreneurs create new jobs, crime would subside and probably restaurants would see an increase in attendance ( ;) ). It is ridiculous though how alcohol which can be so poisonous be legal and advertised in sports events where children watch and admire their sport heroes. Thousands of people die each year because of alcohol related deaths and believe it or not alcohol is involved in more than 25% of all divorce cases in the US (2008 census), yet still we have to hide from everyone because we want to enjoy all the natural benefits that this curatorial plant provides. It really baffles my mind to see how much money is in control of this country; whoever has the money has the way in the US. May god help us all if the GOP wins in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Haha, epic xD But seriously why cant we se the clock. im pretty new around here, wanna point and laugh at the figures :P
I think this thread is just really old and the link is dead...1 trillion dollars to kill 1 million Iraqis and 8 million a DAY to Israel in military aid when they do not have a single soldier fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan...:spew:



Active Member
My best friends concrete company got 2 million dollars from Fort Hunter Liggett for two granite boulders (very large boulders). the official told them that if they dont spend the money they wont get the same amount next year. the boulders can be seen from the highway and have been sitting there for three years. the government might just as well burn our money.


remember the g20 in Toronto? More than 1 billion dollars went to waste to house a few fat bastards for a few days!! each meal was 1000 dollars, the chef told me! What kind of bullshit is that!?!?!!? We've got people dying of hunger in Africa and Afghanistan and these dicks are continuing to kill innocent people and taking our rights away!?!? REVOLUTION NOW!
Hey guys, I'm sorry, but I'm currently in the USA, been through 28 of you georgous states but any way, I am from England and I know english n americans don't get along but I ain't the patriotic "American suck" kinda guy I mean common I just spent 3 months visiting your beautiful country, but our priminister is against all teenagers and anyone under the age of 21, and they're viewed as anti society n all that, weed is what I do it makes me happy, I anti lazy I go to work, Pay taxes why can't I enjoy earths brilliantest gift ??? I am not allowed to grow it by law but surely if in the end I end up buying it off them ain't it better then buying it off some guy on a street corner or growing it ma self ?? Surely that's the answer ???


Well-Known Member
the government likes having drug dealers running about. it gives them reasons to lock up minorities and those they consider beneath them. They dont care that kids get shot every day.

AND, let us all remember who engineered the strain G-13.


Well-Known Member
My buddy is in the navy and he tells me it cost $30000 to fuel one jet on BS training and practice runs... he even thinks its an utter waste.