Hey guys I wandered ontot this thread looking for some advanced seed germination stuff.
But about crimping. I have done this to a Fimd DSD mother which was also tied down for a good period of time and had AMAZING results.
What you do is just take some pliers if its older and really thick and crush the main branch below the buds. Its the same with younger plants or stems but you just use your fingers.
The result is slightly slowed growth but it makes your stems HUGE, like really thick.
Does anyone know anything about germination? Specifically, Ive had some seedlings coming up through the soil with the seed coat still on and I removed the outer layer, took off the two pieces, but the lil baby leaves got really crispy. Should I have left the seed coat on there and waited for it to fall off? This is like one of 2 attempts with a bunch of rando danks seeds ive gotten over the last two or three years and this is the only one that came up, and ive got no more unless I find some new friends this spring so any help or advice or a point in the right direction would be much appreciated.