Whats the best rooting hormone to use ,, PLZ HELPPPP ????


Active Member
yo guys... i am just about to clone some babys for my net grow.. b ut i dont know what rooting hormone to use?? i want the best one possible as i want the best success rate.. thanks eckto


Well-Known Member
They all work...

Clonex is probably the most widely used...

But theres a bunch, powders or gels... I use both.


Active Member
thanks guys ive heard of rootech ?? is that any gd?? .. can yous guys give me info on taking cuttings? i have a very big mother plant in vegging and has been in vegging for about 3 months it is very bushy... can i take cuttings like of off branches or does it needto be taki=en from the main stem?? also how big should you take cuttings?? thanks eckto


I am sure they all work but success rate relies heavily on other factors.

Currently using rootone powder and pro-mix in dixie cups. not the most high tech method but i'm enjoying 100% success rate with clones ready to transplant in 14-20 days depending on strain.


Active Member

Currently using rootone powder and pro-mix in dixie cups. not the most high tech method but i'm enjoying 100% success rate with clones ready to transplant in 14-20 days depending on strain.

so do you put your clones into small cups with soil in them?? i think i may also do this thanks welby