All my plants got stolen :/ such a horrid feeling...


Well-Known Member
Hey riu just got home from my spot to find all 9 of my monster red dragons snipped at the stalk with the exception of the popcorn nugs still left. Also had 2 medium sized (3ft-5ft) blue widow that also got clipped. They were jus beggining to purple :( I havent told a soul about this spot abd its about a 3mi walk in thick brush just to get to it. I had made sure not to leave a visible foottrail by walking in various entrences. I dont know how the fuckin thieves do it but they mange to always fuck it up for me. Thanks for listening while I vented aaaaaarrrgghhhhhggg!!!
Hey riu just got home from my spot to find all 9 of my monster red dragons snipped at the stalk with the exception of the popcorn nugs still left. Also had 2 medium sized (3ft-5ft) blue widow that also got clipped. They were jus beggining to purple :( I havent told a soul about this spot abd its about a 3mi walk in thick brush just to get to it. I had made sure not to leave a visible foottrail by walking in various entrences. I dont know how the fuckin thieves do it but they mange to always fuck it up for me. Thanks for listening while I vented aaaaaarrrgghhhhhggg!!!

I am soo sorry for your loss. I lost mine last year which is why now I stand outside EVERYNIGHT now and guard my plants. IF I spot a ripper......wooooweee!
Thats awful, really sorry to hear know I never grew before this year and never knew it too be so much work!!! I would never rip someones garden, esp since I now know how much love and time goes into it....ANYONE who says pot growers are lazy ARE WRONG!!!!
you can smell that beautiful plants for a long ways away. i used to go hiking just to follow that smell. sometimes a skunk, sometimes a lone plant. actually ive only ever found one plant out hiking and although tempted. soo very tempted, i only smelled the lone beauty and continued on. actually finding it that one time was such a adreniline rush i never actually thought id find one,a nd didnt even go prepared. but when i found it i was somehow innerly satisfied knowing despite their efforts, DEA cant stop the ganja. esp. when you see it grown in the natural habitat. well mj aint from tx, but fuck if i havent seen it grown here.
Thats awful, really sorry to hear know I never grew before this year and never knew it too be so much work!!! I would never rip someones garden, esp since I now know how much love and time goes into it....ANYONE who says pot growers are lazy ARE WRONG!!!!

Your tellin me man you forget how much time you put into something until its jacked. Took about a week finding the place, and in woods I grew up in.Carried 12 bags of those roots organic green fields up there those things weigh like 60lbs a piece not to mention buckets,water,nutes and then all the trash you have to hide when leaving is also a pain but I could never litter.Anybody who says potheads dont have it together haven't met people like us.
I am soo sorry for your loss. I lost mine last year which is why now I stand outside EVERYNIGHT now and guard my plants. IF I spot a ripper......wooooweee!

I plan on doing the same next year but its gonna be hard cause theres a pack of coyotes that live somewhere in those woods, I used to ride my quad in the area and I know the woods like I do the back of my hand so I already got a new spot in mind, ill have to ready the Louisville slugger
Try not to get monster plants next time. Start them a little later in the season for smaller plants. The later you plant them the smaller they will be. I recommend starting them in early june. That will leave you with decent sized plants with a good yield.
AHHHHH I hate 'em.

Hate it for you Bro.

The least rippers could do is only take the smallest bottom limb

and try to clone it.....oh wha what am i thinking they are rippers . waaay to lazy for that.
I plan on doing the same next year but its gonna be hard cause theres a pack of coyotes that live somewhere in those woods, I used to ride my quad in the area and I know the woods like I do the back of my hand so I already got a new spot in mind, ill have to ready the Louisville slugger

fuck the lousville grab the mossberg son and blow thier fucking hands off :)
sorry for your loss
Sounds like an inside job. Did you tell anyone in person that you had a outdoor grow? I'm betting it's someone you know.
Sounds like an inside job. Did you tell anyone in person that you had a outdoor grow? I'm betting it's someone you know.

he said he didnt tell ne 1....

i hate the feeling of losing ur plants, it rele sucks, so many emotions all at once, and u dnt know what to do with yourself, it sux
Sounds like an inside job. Did you tell anyone in person that you had a outdoor grow? I'm betting it's someone you know.

I agreed with ^^^...because you said its vitrually impossible to anyone to stumble your it must be an inside im truly sorry...with all your hard pretty sure it will be best to start indoor grow so no one can take your ladies again...