The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
butt.jpgbuttttt.jpgbut.jpghi guys i chooped this plant up and i made butter with the wastbutter.jpg 1 bowl is of the mix other is the butter got 2 bowls of nice butter and good kick of it


Well-Known Member
The butter is fucking foul tho man,lots of vanilla,peanut butter,etc in with it!

The AKs are like 3 foot tall now in veg with branches that have branches that have branches...was gonna flip it today but I forgot to get a timer,extension lead,thermometer,etc for the new tent *facepalm*


Well-Known Member
Dude are you mad out of it or something? The effort of actual baking,lol. Tescos own brand brownie mix in the box! Just substitute "oil" for melted bold-butter. ;)


Active Member
3 w33ks 003.jpg3 w33ks 002.jpg3 w33ks 001.jpg3 new babys 3 weeks old.
400w hps, light mix
bio heaven [ havnt givin any nutes yet ] how they look to yous :-| vinalla kush


Well-Known Member
pretty good was just waste i used great for my back pains as well

for got to say i had a spoon of butter on shelf my kitten licked it all of the spoon its stoned


Well-Known Member
Cook them on a lower temp or you might evaporate all the goodness.

My butter always tastes amazingly sour, howd you make yours?


Well-Known Member
Cook them on a lower temp or you might evaporate all the goodness.

My butter always tastes amazingly sour, howd you make yours?
Ingredients for Marijuana Butter
  1. 1.5 liters/6 cups of water
  2. 112gms/4oz marijuana leaf
  3. 450gms/1llb butter or margarine
How to Make your Marijuana Butter
  1. Put the water into a large pan and put on the hob to warm
  2. Add the marijuana leaf and butter/margarine
  3. Stir
  4. Bring to a rolling boil then cover the pot
  5. Turn down the heat and simmer for 2 hours
  6. Stir occasionally and keep covered so that you don’t lose the precious liquid to evaporation
  7. Put a colander over a large bowl to collect the liquid
  8. Strain the contents of the pan through the colander
  9. Squeeze the leaves until they’re dry as you can get them
  10. Pour 0.5 liters/3 cups boiling water over the leaves in the colander and repeat the squeezing
  11. Leave the mixture to cool for a couple of hours
  12. The mixture in the bowl will separate; the layer of fat on top of the water is your cannabis butter. The water content can be discarded.


Well-Known Member
Ingredients for Marijuana Butter
  1. 1.5 liters/6 cups of water
  2. 112gms/4oz marijuana leaf
  3. 450gms/1llb butter or margarine
How to Make your Marijuana Butter
  1. Put the water into a large pan and put on the hob to warm
  2. Add the marijuana leaf and butter/margarine
  3. Stir
  4. Bring to a rolling boil then cover the pot
  5. Turn down the heat and simmer for 2 hours
  6. Stir occasionally and keep covered so that you don’t lose the precious liquid to evaporation
  7. Put a colander over a large bowl to collect the liquid
  8. Strain the contents of the pan through the colander
  9. Squeeze the leaves until they’re dry as you can get them
  10. Pour 0.5 liters/3 cups boiling water over the leaves in the colander and repeat the squeezing
  11. Leave the mixture to cool for a couple of hours
  12. The mixture in the bowl will separate; the layer of fat on top of the water is your cannabis butter. The water content can be discarded.
God dammit,thats how I do mine and it's always green and tastes like must be leaving something out? Teach me!


Well-Known Member
mm i never thought i would get as stoned as i do with butter i made the buns still ot few left but am liking to swallowing a lump of the butter hit quicker