Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.


Active Member
- Their is a God, explain the universe
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God
- Satan is an arch-angel
- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING
- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in hell..
- I hope you guys find a God
- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaven
- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..
- Their is a God, explain the universe
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God
- Satan is an arch-angel
- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING
- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in hell..
- I hope you guys find a God
- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaven
- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..

be a good human and you go to heaven? wrong answer , you have to believe in Christ as your savior and your free
look at all the posts about this type of thing that totally ignore the cycle look at all of them they not hurting no one talk to them and they are awesome people to have on this earth get to know them love help them in return happy dude have the same mind set for your selves we are here to love each other and love this planet don't for get that. who cares what any believe in all in your own heart, you don't have to prove anything to anyone.
be a good human and you go to heaven? wrong answer , you have to believe in Christ as your savior and your free

Alright I'm not arguing with you but where in the bible does it say that? I have asked alot of people but nobody has ever given me an answer.
Alright I'm not arguing with you but where in the bible does it say that? I have asked alot of people but nobody has ever given me an answer.
Keep reading bro, you'll realize when your done reading the bible you'll know so much that its sad to ever not believe in God.
Alright I'm not arguing with you but where in the bible does it say that? I have asked alot of people but nobody has ever given me an answer.

This is the verse that is usually construed to that thought

John 14:6

King James Version (KJV)

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
Some Quick points for all people believer/non believer

1.This thread is highly redundant and unecessary
2.How many times dose a wheel go around before it blows out?
3.That was a question not a real point
4.I hope you find extremely simple common sense
5.Everything in this life is of the mind,this including pain,sorrow,anger everything you could be or are attached to.
6.Keep the wheel turning to prove how correct point #1 actualy is.
7.Religion is the complicator of the individual essence if im wrong then why havent all the religions found harmony and unity?,maybe its because they are to busy arguing and preaching about who is right and wrong to miss the greater point of life.
8.Refer to #1
i will admit i didnt want to answer you first befor brazko out of my own ignorance. thank you brazko for the passage i really had no clue where it was. and for what i can feel could come from this co0mment; we arnt perfect.
This is the verse that is usually construed to that thought

John 14:6

King James Version (KJV)

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
I was waiting for someone to refer to that one. Think about it though. We would be doomed to Sheol, grave, or hell without jesus' sacrifice. And that's what that passage is saying. He was saying that if it wasn't for me you don't get to meet and live with god. It doesn't say if you don't believe in me you go to hell.
Keep reading bro, you'll realize when your done reading the bible you'll know so much that its sad to ever not believe in God.

I believe in god and have read and done research on alot of the bible, I'm just saying that it doesn't say people go to hell for not believing. :)
- Their is a God, explain the universe

just because we cant explain something doesnt mean god did it. that is a leap of faith.

- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God

so rich people that have amazing lives and never have to lift a finger just arent being tested?

- Satan is an arch-angel

you dont know that. you shouldnt say it like its fact.

- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING

because that is the default position. why would you choose to believe in a god that has no evidence of existence?

- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in hell..

satan is my smoking buddy. i would like to take this time to say fuck god

- I hope you guys find a God

i hope you find an education

- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaven

thats nice. doesnt mean its true

- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..

you know who i cant stand? god

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..

boy that was a REALLY convincing argument(sarcasm), but i think im going to continue not believing in a made up god
just because we cant explain something doesnt mean god did it. that is a leap of faith.

so rich people that have amazing lives and never have to lift a finger just arent being tested?

you dont know that. you shouldnt say it like its fact.

because that is the default position. why would you choose to believe in a god that has no evidence of existence?

satan is my smoking buddy. i would like to take this time to say fuck god

i hope you find an education

thats nice. doesnt mean its true

you know who i cant stand? god

boy that was a REALLY convincing argument(sarcasm), but i think im going to continue not believing in a made up god

i havent even been on the forum long, but i know i dont have to answer retarded got that on lock down! haha
+rep for that shit cause i dunno how you stay calm and calmly explain shit that the person should be able to figure out themselves.
+rep for that shit cause i dunno how you stay calm and calmly explain shit that the person should be able to figure out themselves.

lol it gets hard sometimes. i personally believe religion shouldnt even exist anymore. people should be above that by now. but the way to get there is by showing people reality, not calling them stupid for believing what they do(even though i may think that)
- Their is a God, explain the universe
- Life is a test, poverty and pain exists for subjecting to God
- Satan is an arch-angel
- Atheism should not exist, why would you choose to believe in NOTHING
- Leave out the religious jokes, will not be funny when your burning in hell..
- I hope you guys find a God
- I am not a certain ' religion ' I believe their is a God, be a good human being and you will go heaven
- Blasphemy is a sin, don't take the piss..

- Before i get some satanists or atheists here makes religious remarks and stupid pictures, i'll like to tell you that i've done my bit by telling you guys, i hope you guys find a God and only one..

explain the univers? the big bang
and atheism isnt believeing in nothing. its just not believeing theres a god most people believe in science.

has anyone watched a show on discovery called ancient aliens? its crazy. its all about how gods were actually just aliens that landed and our idiot ansestors thought they were gods. almost changed my perspective on things. although ive always believed in aliens.