help cant upload photos????????


Active Member
hey.. when i try to upload photos by clicking on the upload button a small box pops up saying enter URL of picture,, this isnt the way i uploaded before?? please help


Well-Known Member
Its a button way down below the text box. I think it says "manage attachments..." then you can upload through there.


Well-Known Member
Click on ( Go Advanced )

Then scroll down to manage attachments and click ,

A window will pop up and click on select files ,

Then just choose a pic from one of your files and open it ,

Then just click upload files and voila ...

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Click on ( Go Advanced )

Then scroll down to manage attachments and click ,

A window will pop up and click on select files ,

Then just choose a pic from one of your files and open it ,

Then just click upload files and voila ...
this doesn't work for me. everything goes fine until the last step where you click upload. the upload button just never appears for me. i can only upload if i click "basic uploader". if anyone knows of something i can do on my end to upload the normal way i'd love to know, but i've been doing it this way since the big 420 update in '10.

Karl Wills

Are you not given the option from "my computer" that is the one you want to click on, then go to the folder where your pics are and upload from there.


Active Member
still not working what a fuckup man.... the loading signal just doesnt go away and nothing uploads ?? anyonr have this problem?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Are you not given the option from "my computer" that is the one you want to click on, then go to the folder where your pics are and upload from there.
it's the upload button that doesn't appear. here's a screen shot. notice i've added a file but have nothing to click to upload it. also it only lets me do 1 file at a time when before i could do multiple. i can still drag and drop previous uploads. i have to click the basic uploader link to do uploads otherwise i have to use a photo hosting site.

edit: i will post the pic later. maybe there is an upload issue because it wouldn't upload. the circle thing on the uploader just went around and around and the upload screen seemed frozen. i have the screen shot though. this issue has been going on for over a year and it doesn't seem to affect others so i assume it's on my end. i will get the pic up though.