Temp for Flowering?


What does the temperature for the flowering phase need to be? I had it around 90 degrees, and managed to drop it down to 81. This is a closet grow so I am getting by without an exhaust fan etc by opening the tent and the closet door to let in co2 and also a better air flow. Can someone let me know the temp and humidity qualifications for a nice healthy plant


Humidity is at 40, I put a cup of water in, in order to raise the humidity but it might not do much with the fan blowing and the tent being opened. Appreciate it though. Thanks homie


Well-Known Member
81 will do , but if you can manage to get it a few degrees cooler like around 75 that would be better

the growth will slow down and could even stop if temps get to high ,

I try to keep my humidity between 40 and 50 % ,

Is their anyway you could install an exhaust for your cab ?

Got any pics so we could help out with some ideas on how to tweak your ventilation ?


Ya I think I witnessed that, Because once I noticed pistils, I noticed that the height of my plant began to cease and all it does now its grow more pistils. I cant really install an exhaust because I have a one year lease in this apartment so I really cannot be drilling holes into the ceiling that the duct would be lead into. I dont really have pictures because its kind of dark in my closet. A video is better but I can try with a picture


Well-Known Member
So its not in a cab ? its like in a closet or something ?

After so long of flowering they will stop growing in height and start to fill out more in bud and cylax`s will swell

Here is a pic of my temp and humidity in my cab

Sorry if its a little blurry



IMG00112-20110920-1710 (1).jpg

No it is in one but the closet is dark and I have it all the way to the side. That is inside the tent though


You could use that white fan for your exhaust , and that opening in the bottom left corner could be a passive intake ( if that is an opening anyway lol )
Yea it is lol its just on the other side of that is a wall, the tent is in a very tight space! I am still a newbie lol so can you give me advice on how to position the fan in the tent? also I am thinking about just buying another fan, would that help/do the trick?


Well-Known Member
Ya I think I witnessed that, Because once I noticed pistils, I noticed that the height of my plant began to cease and all it does now its grow more pistils. I cant really install an exhaust because I have a one year lease in this apartment so I really cannot be drilling holes into the ceiling that the duct would be lead into. I dont really have pictures because its kind of dark in my closet. A video is better but I can try with a picture
hey is your floor/wall a/c vent anywhere near the closet door? if so go get an extra closet door, cut a whole. get a vent to match the one on your floor or your wall, cut it, tape it, whatever you have to do to attach some expanding dryer hose, i used this one for mine (i have a wood floating floor so it was easy to slide the vent out) http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-100199300/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 and http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-202300604/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 cut another whole at the top of the door for a small exhaust fan to pull the rising warm air out. exchange doors and it should work. my camera just bit the dust or i would post a pic but you probably get the idea. i didn't want to tear up my house for my hobby so i used expendable replacement parts :peace:


Active Member
80-85 depending on strain ... they still like it quite humid in the first few weeks of bloom so try to keep it at 60-70% and gradually drop it as the weeks go by. good luck!!!!
Hi guys im very new to all this,

however after spending loads and filling local dealers pockets i have went a bought my own grow tent kit.

600w light
intake fan
out take fan
osilating fan
carbon filter
1.2 x 1.2 - 2 meters high grow tent

can you advise me on how i would lower my temp as its around 31 c when light is on.

Also this may sound very random and silly, but my air out take fan is blowing the air from the tent back in to my bedroom, can this harm me in anyway? As i have to sleep in the same room as my tent. My clean air in is going out an air vent in the wall and i cant put my out take air out side. Thank you in advance for any help and advice