

Well-Known Member
mine would be chiech , cranker and dots(....) no one named me,, ahh well...

little heart broken though:sad:
To be honest, I had no Idea you were a mod ... I've never been down to the cooking thread. You've always been ok in my book, you and Dotz ... everyone else takes things too serious :leaf:

P.S. ... I only like dotz cuz of his non black blackness :lol:


Well-Known Member
I would say FDD is one of my Favs due to the Fact I have Several Priceless Infractions/Bans to Flaunt as Badges.
I am my 2nd Fav which puts me in the lead.. .what do I win.?. :)
&& Between me April & Sunni we do not choose Favs.. . we are one big happy family that makes it work.

Are you Jelly!? :hug:


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I think all the mods have been doing a really good job, and they've helped me out a lot and I try to help them out. It's easy to get out there and get flamed and take it. Not me of course, no one flames me I have the easiest forum (cept maybe Sunni ;-) ) but for the most part I think everyone is good people.:mrgreen:

Except subgee3 :finger:


Well-Known Member
I'm just want to see how April's going to impregnate Pimp. †gets some popcorn and coke and takes a seat†

Allright, I'm ready, lets do this. Crypt, whatever abomination comes from this, its your duty to destroy it. :shock: