droopy right after watering

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
yesterday i watered the most i have lately accidently put a little to much or way to much haha
but yesterday the leaves were drooping all day and today they have perked up and are sticking straight out instead of drooping
is this normal after a watering to droop a little?


Well-Known Member
yea, especially if you over watered.

I've explained it once, I guess I'll explain it one more time.

Cannabis is a weed... k? It doesn't need LOTS of water like most people think.

I water my plant when it needs it. The plant tells me when it needs watering.. how? Well, its simple.. whenever I see that the top 1/4th inch layer of the soil is crispy dry.. or really close to being crispy dry.. this is how she tells me she needs water.

I think I maybe water my girl twice per week. Once again, cannabis doesn't need a lot of water in order to survive.

If your growing indoors... what you want to do and should be doing.. is imitating nature. You should be imitating what the plant would experience if it

were growing outdoors in its natural environment.

But again, this is where a lot of growers make mistakes... they think that the plant needs lots of water.. but in reality, it doesn't need a lot.

good luck.

Oh, and before I forget.. don't water your plant(s) anymore for a few days. Within a few days, the over watered plant(s) should perk back up to normal. You just have to give it time.

And, like I said before.. a good rule to follow, is to watch the top 1/4" layer of the soil. Once it gets crispy dry or really close to being crispy dry... it is at this point that you should go ahead and water again.

good luck.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
alright sweet yeah i trnasplanted them and i waited for ever to get a little run off so i would nkow what the max was but it never ran off for like 325 min after i watered so thats probably why i put so much but there back up to normal which really suprised me since its only been less that 24 hrs
wont water till atleast tomorrow
thank you for your help


Active Member
I know i overwater.. As a newb, i find it hard to read the signs on the plant.
Trying to wait out til soil on the top has dried out, feeling on the pot if its ligther than it was when
i put water in it. So when I see threads like this, I have to read them!!

I'm curious to what you mean by droopy :P


Active Member
IMO, droopy describes leaves that are still full, lush, green, just saggy. Like a shirt that is moist...it still holds if structure and function, its just a bit inundated with moisture. Noobs, like myself, over water all the time.
I use a Pro-Mix based soil with some other stuff thrown in. The way I can tell if its time to water is the soil starts to pull away from the edge of the pot. Weight is a clue too. You should have an idea of what your pot weighs with bone dry soil and what it weighs fully saturated. Then you can kind of feel when the plants need water too. Then when I water I saturate it. It seems like I need to water every 4 days or so.


Well-Known Member
I go by weight of the pot. Its pretty easy. Or you can finger her soil, but most accurate for me is the weight of the pot. I have to water 1 gallon pots 1 gallon of water every 2-3 days. Depending on your soil and whats in it. Fox Farm Ocean forest retains water really well where as sunshine mix does not, unfortunately all my moms are soil and in different soil so I have to feed differently from day to day.


Well-Known Member
wont water till atleast tomorrow
Quit overwatering!

Overwatering isn't the amount, but the frequency.

You want to totally saturate your medium and get good run off.


*Tomorrow* ain't it. Try 3-5 days, or when the pot gets considerably lighter.
