President Obama is eliminating outdated regulations while strengthening commonsense standards to promote health and safety.
Attackers:Mitch McConnell, Eric CantorAttack Type:Television interviews, written remarks
Republicans in Congress claim President Obama is implementing job-killing regulations, despite evidence to the contrary.
Truth posted:September 1, 2011Evidence:Executive order, presidential remarks
President Obama believes that regulations and standards should strike a commonsense balance between protecting our safety, health, and environment while promoting job creation and economic growth.
The President ordered a line-by-line review to remove unnecessary regulations that make our economy less competitive. In his executive order, he asked all government agencies to “consider how best to promote retrospective analysis of rules that may be outmoded, ineffective, insufficient, or excessively burdensome, and to modify, streamline, expand, or repeal them in accordance with what has been learned.”
As a result of the President’s action, several agencies made adjustments toward a smart, tough system of regulations to support economic growth. These improvements include:
President Obama has signed legislation to strike the right balance between promoting economic growth and protecting the health and safety of the American people. In 2011, the President signed new fuel economy standards with the support of automakers and labor. The President also signed a historic food safety modernization act, which will save lives and reduce medical costs by preventing food-borne illnesses.