Jesus is my savior.


Well-Known Member
MY CHOICE Christianity: Do unto others as you want them to do unto you! Point them to Jesus! Or the other side my way or your head? Or the third way let them find their own way no skin off my but? BUT will I see you at the "Judgement" enter into my rest? The choice IS YOURS! Too late I told you about JESUS!
See but there are perfectly logical reasons for everything your saying. Sorry for dissing your religion, no hate I promise. Lol I don't think down on you or anything. Maybe the ones who run around selling bibles and going to church forming a cult and shunning everyone else. Also christians who look down on us floaters.. Fuck assholes thats all I'm saying.

Religion just isn't my thing, I hope death proves me wrong :p Heaven sounds pretty nice. Even though I wouldn't go, then again why is what I do bad? Whats bad? Huh? Theres just too many contradictions, nobody can be sure, the people who are 'sure' are full of shit and I DO look down on them


Well-Known Member
motherfuckin bitches listen to the JESUS IS MY FRIEND SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh hell ...... The shit has REALLY started now !!!! LOL

Jesus is that dude that no-one can prove ever existed .... the one who is written about in that fiction book that was supposedly written by 66 different authors over thousands of years ..... But which was truly written by thousands of different authors as their need to control mankind, their greed for power and money, and their evil scheming saw fit to change the words around to serve their purposes.

Jesus is the make believe being that the evil rulers of this world use to make people STOP thinking for themselves, and sell their brains to that ruler's power and control over their lives. He is just one of the mystical people those rulers invoke the name of to steal people's time, money, privacy. and desires.

Jesus is just one of the names that has been used as an excuse to march on countless civilizations, and slaughter millions in the name of Organized Religiion .... And THAT is who Jesus is.

Glad I could clear that up ;-)
sadly they can and have proved that jesus of nazirith did not only exisit but travel and did die on a cross by the romans because of the jews, the rest of the story is up for your call.


Well-Known Member
In my honest opinion, I think Jesus put certain things here for us to use. We only use 6-8% of our brain... We still need to find that drug that gives us the ability to use 10-15%.
We need to use drugs imho, as long as we aren't killing people just to get high or something along to line of being a slave to sin.
Addictions are bad, but as long as your in complete control then it does not complete the definition of addiction.
My def of addicitons is when you get into trouble with that habbit. Anything that gets you into trouble is negative, if you can break free of that then you can make drug use positive(There are certain drugs you should quit for the rest of your life after 1 or 2 uses).

I smoke weed and the only negative thing about it is how I am seen by everyone else.
I stopped other drug use except for alcohol... Still waiting to get a little bit older to try lsd.


Well-Known Member
In my honest opinion, I think Jesus put certain things here for us to use. We only use 6-8% of our brain... We still need to find that drug that gives us the ability to use 10-15%.
We need to use drugs imho, as long as we aren't killing people just to get high or something along to line of being a slave to sin.
Addictions are bad, but as long as your in complete control then it does not complete the definition of addiction.
My def of addicitons is when you get into trouble with that habbit. Anything that gets you into trouble is negative, if you can break free of that then you can make drug use positive(There are certain drugs you should quit for the rest of your life after 1 or 2 uses).

I smoke weed and the only negative thing about it is how I am seen by everyone else.
I stopped other drug use except for alcohol... Still waiting to get a little bit older to try lsd.
How old are you dude?


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad I did lsd for my first time when I was 13. Jesus was my teenage life interesting

FUCK waiting to try shit lol