look at this --is it seed?


Well-Known Member
was looking at some pics earlier and noticed this.is this girl growing balls?picture was taken tuesday of this weekUntitled 1.png


Well-Known Member
100_3305.jpg100_3337.jpgshe aint no male here is a few pics differant times100_3290.jpgbut she might be a hermi.will have to look real good next time i go to them


Well-Known Member
dude. we call those hermaphroditic tendancys. shes exhibiting her balls like the proud tranny she is.. it is. lol


Well-Known Member
man im not an expert i couldnt pretend to know. honestly read up on it, but i have no clue as to what i would do. soory.


Active Member
Those aren't "balls" it might be seeds but it could just be swollen calyx's. Give one a squeeze, see if there's something in there, it won't hurt anything


Well-Known Member
i would really be happy to get a dozen or so of these seed from plant for next year.im sure they would not be many but yes ill look next time


Active Member
Those seeds will likely be hermie as well and might be seedier than this batch, it could be good and buddy with just a few seeds too. Crap shoot.


Active Member
Yeah, you never know, but really, check it out. I don't care what anyone says, some of the best plants are clone only because they were a certain pheno from a chance breeding.

I support all seed producing, even if it leads to unstable hybrids. But I'll always be running verified genetics side by side so that if there ARE any fuckups, all is not lost.


Well-Known Member
if you want the seeds then separate him from the ladies, and grow it in a separate room so as not to pollinate your girls.


Well-Known Member
if you want the seeds then separate him from the ladies, and grow it in a separate room so as not to pollinate your girls.
1st off. outdoor grow. there are no separate rooms.
2ndly. he is not a he, its clearly a female, so IF those are seeds, its still not a he, its a hermaphrodite.



Well-Known Member
was told plants might make a seed or 2 without a male.i have 1 female polinated for seed and 4without seed or so i thought seeds came from cali i think---brought by guy goin to fla from n.y. truck driver you know friend of a friend--they are autos from seed 60 days so far and i got no more of these beans


Well-Known Member
100_3357.jpg100_3358.jpg100_3362.jpgwent to woods with camera---here are pics of the female in question.also can someone in the know have a timeline.i figure 2 weeksto crop100_3354.jpg but what do i know.need to know when to stop feeding----same bud just different sides