Benzos after eating


Well-Known Member
Try letting it dissolve under your tongue?
This is how I take most of my benzos. Granted I mostly get Klonopins and I'd sub them even if it had no benefit over oral use. Tasty intoxicating mints.

And taking them orally on a full stomach takes forever.


Well-Known Member
Until it's gone. It usually takes a few minutes, the slowest I've had took maybe ten minutes to totally break down. This is for kpins but probably works for everything.


Well-Known Member
Nasty medication imo.... Used to pop them for anxiety just felt really un-natural and blocked from my own thoughts.


Well-Known Member
GABA... it works pretty much the same way xanax would work but is more natural I suppose... but it hardly give a feel good feeling benzo's have.

Here is another awesome stress and anxiety supplement... It gives you more an up beat relaxed buzz it can also be found in green tea :)

Also if you want a good steady boost of dopamine throughout the day take 1000 IU of Vitamin D... It's a big precursor to the production of dopamine


Well-Known Member
I chew k pins,dont try that with zanies lol they taste horrible.Break a blue in half and lick it.That taste dont go away.


New Member
I chew k pins,dont try that with zanies lol they taste horrible.Break a blue in half and lick it.That taste dont go away.
Yeah i havnt tried k pins yet. I want to... Fucking xannax are god aweful nasty shit but there lovely :) Im talking about etizolam which have a wax coating. Havnt tried chewing them yet.


Well-Known Member
gaba = good shit doesnt give you the crazy benzo buzz but god the supplements rock with some bud


Well-Known Member
Yeah i havnt tried k pins yet. I want to... Fucking xannax are god aweful nasty shit but there lovely :) Im talking about etizolam which have a wax coating. Havnt tried chewing them yet.
are they blue circle looking pills?I had to take 6 to feel anything.
I gotta take a lot of k pins to feel it to but they last longer when they do hit you.the little green ones are like candy lol.


New Member
are they blue circle looking pills?I had to take 6 to feel anything.
I gotta take a lot of k pins to feel it to but they last longer when they do hit you.the little green ones are like candy lol.
Yes sir the lil blue pills. On a empty stomache 2 get me going nicely :) you must have a tolerance???


GABA isn't worth it in my opinion(it is supposed to increase production of growth hormone though). But Vitamin D?? So the D is for dopamine then right? Just pulling your leg.


Well-Known Member
if you do some research it'll tell you benzos are best taken on an empty stomach but take with food if they cause upset.
I take benzos (prescribed) daily ... it all works empty or full stomach. You're just used to feeling that initial wave of relaxation so when you're on a full stomach it's just getting in there more slowly ...less euphoria.
Here's a tip for you recreational benzo users .... this may make you save pills......

Take a dose my case i've tailored what works for me down to about .75 mgs of xanax. ( I used to do the 3-4 bars at a time) no need for that nonsense anymore....
after your initial dose ...wait an hour and take another dose accordingly ...i guarantee that by the time that second dose kicks in you'll feel like you've taken enough .. and by enough i mean, you'll feel it...
...but binging on benzos never works the end of the night the pills will be gone and you'll be wondering what you did, and who stole your pills.. ( pssst... you ate them all)
Happy Tranqs!!!!!!!!!