Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
I believe the bible is the truth because ever since I have become religous I haven't been ripped off other then by black people that work at the medical clubs. Also I seem to understand basic pyschology to the point where I can communicate to someone my belief without trying to manipulate them into believing it.

I got 10x smarter then I was before I read the bible, that is all the proof I need that Jesus's quotes truely are the words to eternal life.

Ok, so you have faith - no proof and reason. Glad we came to that conclusion.


Well-Known Member
I have a book.

In my book it says that I'm god.

God never lies, it says so in the book.

Therefore, I am not lying and I am god.



Well-Known Member
Prove the bible is real?

The bible said you would steal from me and lie to me and hate me before I even met you.


Well-Known Member
I believe the bible is the truth because ever since I have become religous I haven't been ripped off other then by black people that work at the medical clubs. Also I seem to understand basic pyschology to the point where I can communicate to someone my belief without trying to manipulate them into believing it.

I got 10x smarter then I was before I read the bible, that is all the proof I need that Jesus's quotes truely are the words to eternal life.
I got smarter when I read my biology 101 book. If that is all the proof needed, which you clearly stated, then my text book must also be the words to eternal life. Again, you are grasping at straws trying to justify your belief, when it's clear you have nothing but faith. Faith is believing for no other reason than wanting to. You can say, "I believe because I want to" and you would be telling the truth, the rest is just rationalizations which mean nothing outside of your own mind.


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to believe as well. Real knowledge & research must be like an annoying task for religious nuts, they would rather sloppily quote a book that was crammed in their heads since youth than to be independent thinkers & actually decide for themselves what to believe in. The human brain works in mysterious ways. o_O
The last 5 pages prominently display complete stupidity.

I can't believe people can actually be this way..



Well-Known Member
Prove the bible is real?

The bible said you would steal from me and lie to me and hate me before I even met you.
That's exactly how the bible keeps you believing! It's telling you to not listen to anyone, close your eyes, plug your ears, and make sure you don't listen to reasoning and logic!

Follow the book blindly, without questioning, and you will be rewarded! *INSERT SPOOKY LANGUAGE HERE*


Well-Known Member
We have a winner.
This is like reading a convo between a Father & his son on why & how santa clause does not bring those presents every year.
I got smarter when I read my biology 101 book. If that is all the proof needed, which you clearly stated, then my text book must also be the words to eternal life. Again, you are grasping at straws trying to justify your belief, when it's clear you have nothing but faith. Faith is believing for no other reason than wanting to. You can say, "I believe because I want to" and you would be telling the truth, the rest is just rationalizations which mean nothing outside of your own mind.


Well-Known Member
It's telling you to not listen to anyone, close your ears, don't listen to reasoning and logic!
What the hell are you talking about?
You diddn't even read the bible. You probably watched some warped ass stories on tv or listened to someone deceive you when you were a kid.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Christian religion IS about logic. It is a logos based vs. eros based 'academy'.

Faith is not a blind belief, it comes after much study. Actually, it's the point where one no longer needs logic.

The idea is to drop the head into the heart. That's religion.


Well-Known Member
Marl if you do not mind me asking your age? It may add another piece to this puzzle for me on where you are coming from.


Well-Known Member
I do not respect your beliefs. They encourage prejudice, ignorance and cruelty. There is no act so malevolent that it can not be justified through scripture.

I do not respect the way you justify your beliefs. You may not engage in manipulation, but you make many mistakes which include logical fallacies, inconsistency, and sloppy thinking. It is blatantly irresponsible.

I do respect your right to express your beliefs. You have the right to stand up and say what you believe and why, but you must then suffer the reactions of others. You have the right to not be silenced, but that does not give you a pass from criticism.

I do respect your desire for a better life and understanding of the world. You seek a path to personal contentment and social coherence, but you choose an easy path that gives false comfort at the expense of other's well-being.


Well-Known Member
I believe the bible is the truth because ever since I have become religous I haven't been ripped off other then by black people that work at the medical clubs.
so you made a connection between your bible reading and the fact you didnt get robbed. therefore the bible stopped you from being robbed! great logic... :roll:

Also I seem to understand basic pyschology to the point where I can communicate to someone my belief without trying to manipulate them into believing it.
if you understood psychology, you would also understand why you are being tricked. the brain functions a certain way, and its easy to manipulate its thoughts.

I got 10x smarter then I was before I read the bible, that is all the proof I need that Jesus's quotes truely are the words to eternal life.
so you think you got smarter by reading the bible, therefore jesus really was the son of god and god is real? the bible is real because it made me smart! der der der :wall:


Well-Known Member
Christian religion IS about logic. It is a logos based vs. eros based 'academy'.

Faith is not a blind belief, it comes after much study. Actually, it's the point where one no longer needs logic.

The idea is to drop the head into the heart. That's religion.
yeah that sounds like a great way to live your life. blindly follow the first book you read that 'makes sense'...


Well-Known Member
then again.. since when did the bible make any sense? the bibles contradict one another
QUOTE=Luger187;6330723]yeah that sounds like a great way to live your life. blindly follow the first book you read that 'makes sense'...[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
I'd rather not disclose that type of information to an enemy.
How very un-Christian of you.

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"