Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
My beliefs encourage a Godly understanding and wisdom.
When you say my beliefs encourage ignorance and cruelty I see you as an other anti-christ that diddn't read the bible.
Only someone who read the bible himself will truely understand the religon.
Anyone else is mislead to believe that they understand what they heard.
Look at this sentence -->"When you say my beliefs encourage ignorance and cruelty I see you as an other anti-christ that diddn't read the bible."

When your bible is criticized, you label that person an Antichrist. This is a demonstration of how your belief encourages ignorance by seeing critical analysis as a threat. If your belief is not allowed to be disputed, then how could you ever identify a mistake? When it is not okay to ask questions, especially when those questions should have easy answers?

Wouldn't you place more trust in something that has been examined and disputed and survived, than something that has never been examined at all?

And of course I have read the bible, although it was many years ago. Since that time I have studied scripture and it interpretations as well as the history of the bible and other texts. It can quite clearly and conclusively be demonstrated that the bible promotes violence, murder, prejudice and racism. I understand that many modern people can mostly ignore those parts of the bible, but were responding to the claim that the bible is the perfect word of god, in which case the examples of malice become quite concerning. The bible presents god as vengeful, jealous and obsessive and commands quite clearly the death of non-believers. To belief something that entails all of this, no matter what positive aspects come with it, would seem to require more of a rationale than faith.


Well-Known Member
Do you honestly think you understand the bible the way it was intended to be understood?
The bible to the point: Accept Jesus Christ as your savior and teacher and love him above all else.

Everything else is to expand your knowledge. Why do you think Jesus spoke in parables?


Well-Known Member
Marlboro, please watch this



Ursus marijanus
Examples of cruelty in the new testament.

If the bible was written by the creator of the universe, how come it doesn't mention any of the fundamental truths we have discovered about the universe? It says nothing of thermodynamics, quantum theory, cosmology, relativity, ect. The bible has all the earmarks of be written by mortals who were ignorant of how the world works, and provides nothing that even hints at divine knowledge. There is no justification for claiming it the word of god, the belief has to be made on faith.
If the bible truly had divine authorship ... and it didn't mention (unspecified technical/philosophical breakthrough that would lead to interstellar prosperity among posthumans 10000 years from now) I'd accuse that authoring principle of petty sadism. Jmo.


Well-Known Member
Really? Bodies was used a metaphor - your argument in a nutshell.
When explaining REAL things let's stay clear of metaphors.....

You can say faith in god is like a seagull floating in the warm wind all day long, but emotion doesn't come from bodies, and you don't think with your heart.