i would stay away from patient to patient sales. even if you think nyou are clever by covering it with "donations." the donations defense is not a very strong one and there is not much precedent when applied to the new MMJ laws, but when given as a defense for prostitutes it does not work very well. a patient can give medicine to another patient, but only a caregiver like masterS can receive money for their resources which may include labor and overhead. as a point of safety i would never travel outside of a secure location with more than the legal amount which stated is 2.5 ounces for prosecution reasons. furthermore i would not carry more than i have to for fear of having it confiscated by law enforcement. The sheriffs department already stated that they would be taking any medicine that they found whether legal or not. if you are running a large operation and are legal by the letter of the law, i would be very careful. i think it is only a matter of time before the sheriff comes in and takes all your shit, and what then? you are legal but you are still fucked.