Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
...pada - sorry, I don't know how to quote on here yet.

It's up to the people, not the bible. It did what it did already. The rest is up to us. The world is in a state of continual healing. That's really all that I know.
Down at the bottom right of each post is 'edit post' (enables you to edit your post after you've made it, spelling errors) 'reply' 'reply with quote' (click that and it'll quote the person you're responding to) and '+' (multi-quote, use that if you want to quote more than one post)

But isn't it the responsibility of each individual person who believes anything to demonstrate justification for their beliefs? Is it OK for fanatical Muslims to believe in Jihad? Shouldn't people, and philosophies, be held accountable for the harm they cause?


Well-Known Member
If you don't accept Jesus, then it means that you hate Him(Since he is God then it means you hate God).

Since God made life it means that you hate life, if you hate God.

If you hate life and you hate God then I wouldn't believe anything you say and it makes perfect sense why I was told not to speak to you in the first palce. But then it was said that you shall love your enemies as well, and at least you can learn a couple new things about the bible and when you realize that you love life, you will realize that you love God.
You must be an algebra teacher or something.. (any math geeks get that reference?) lmfao

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
But isn't it the responsibility of each individual person who believes anything to demonstrate justification for their beliefs? Is it OK for fanatical Muslims to believe in Jihad? Shouldn't people, and philosophies, be held accountable for the harm they cause?

YES! We are all accountable - so love your neighbor, that's all.


Well-Known Member
Well if we ever met irl and we diddn't discuss religion I would know if I could trust you without speaking about God.
Usually I am the only one I can 100% trust.

After realizing that preachers add things to help complete your understanding, I realized that they don't understand that everything they are say is quoted; and kids who misinterpret something that was added to help complete their understanding of the subject end up finding out that the preacher lied or started spreading something that they thought was true. Making people think they know what their talking about, making the religion look bad; and making someone who hears something that is wrong thing that the bible is bs because of whatever was said that was originaly misinterpreted.

If you trust anyone you should never stop checking to see if they lie to you or not. Also you should try to fully understand them to see if they have their wits about or not.


Well-Known Member
If you don't accept Jesus, then it means that you hate Him(Since he is God then it means you hate God).

Since God made life it means that you hate life, if you hate God.
Do you accept that Santa is real? No.

Do you HATE santa because you don't think he's real? No.

Use your brain man, you're spouting logical fallacy after logical fallacy, it's hard to keep up with the lack of intelligence. I just can't figure out how not believing in something HAS TO mean that I hate it.... Guess you have to have under 80 IQ to figure that one out...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...but not the doctrine itself. We are responsible for our 'take' on it. It's like saying that Germans should change who they are because of Hitler. (sorry to extend to that place)


Well-Known Member
I am getting a better understanding on why so many countries hate America & the Christian Religion.. . Imagine a bunch of Marlboros running around in the early 1100's Preaching about the Bible in such a manner.


Well-Known Member
Do you accept that Santa is real? No.

Do you HATE santa because you don't think he's real? No.

Use your brain man, you're spouting logical fallacy after logical fallacy, it's hard to keep up with the lack of intelligence. I just can't figure out how not believing in something HAS TO mean that I hate it.... Guess you have to have under 80 IQ to figure that one out...
Wtf does santa have to do with everything? he flew with magic reindeers or some shit...
Guess you still haven't learned when to stay quiet.
A smart man knows when to stfu.

And no I don't hate santa because I think hes not real... I love whoever he is and I would help him if everything was legit and it wasn't a trap.


Well-Known Member
YES! We are all accountable - so love your neighbor, that's all.
But that's inconsistent with reality. Theists are not held accountable for their beliefs.

You think it's OK for fanatical Muslims to believe that anyone who does not believe in Islam or that Allah is God should be put to death?

Is it OK for fanatical Christians to believe homosexuals should be denied equal rights in a nation founded on religious freedom?

These are things that the people who believe them are not held accountable for. These are things they teach their kids based on the authority they feel their religion gives them.


Well-Known Member
Makes perfect sense & is a response to your lame post earlier. <3
You just insulted yourself. :) Yes, A Smart man does know when to stfu, even in his own thread.
Wtf does santa have to do with everything? he flew with magic reindeers or some shit...
Guess you still haven't learned when to stay quiet.
A smart man knows when to stfu.

And no I don't hate santa because I think hes not real... I love whoever he is and I would help him if everything was legit and it wasn't a trap.


Well-Known Member
Wtf does santa have to do with everything? he flew with magic reindeers or some shit...
Guess you still haven't learned when to stay quiet.
A smart man knows when to stfu.

It doesn't matter if it's santa!!!! Non-belief doesn't mean you hate something!!! I don't believe in leprauchauns, but I don't hate them! I don't believe in unicorns, and I don't hate them - so why IN THE NAME OF FUCK do you say I hate Jesus because i don't believe in him????!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
But that's inconsistent with reality. Theists are not held accountable for their beliefs.

You think it's OK for fanatical Muslims to believe that anyone who does not believe in Islam or that Allah is God should be put to death?

Is it OK for fanatical Christians to believe homosexuals should be denied equal rights in a nation founded on religious freedom?

These are things that the people who believe them are not held accountable for. These are things they teach their kids based on the authority they feel their religion gives them.
Should we allow hobos to fornicate in public for equal rights? or should we be smart enough to stop things that aren't right from happeneing?
Homosexuality is lust and preversion. Loving your brother sexualy is an abomination.


Well-Known Member
If you don't accept Jesus, then it means that you hate Him(Since he is God then it means you hate God).

Since God made life it means that you hate life, if you hate God.
If I don't accept Bigfoot, does that mean I hate him? How can I hate someone who I do not believe exists? Do you believe in Santa Clause? Do you hate him?

To be fair I can think of two people I hate who do not exist. Santa Clause, because he watched me pee as a kid, and that creepy burger king guy. I don't care much for Mrs Butterworth either, but I don't hate her.

If you hate life and you hate God then I wouldn't believe anything you say and it makes perfect sense why I was told not to speak to you in the first palce. But then it was said that you shall love your enemies as well, and at least you can learn a couple new things about the bible and when you realize that you love life, you will realize that you love God.
I love life and the people I get to share it with. Nothing means more to me than my existence and well being than perhaps the well being of my loved ones. I care about my environment and the creatures in it, both of today and tomorrow, and I am deeply concerned with the state of the world, including the prosperity of people across the globe who I will never meet. I am willing to love god as well if god exists, and all I have ever done is search for a reason to believe he does. No reason has presented itself, unless I am willing to dumb myself down and not fully use the brain god apparently gave me. Even then, I would have to believe in a cruel and selfish god if I believe the bible, so I can't say love would be guaranteed. The best understanding we have of the world today comes from an evidential interpretation of reality. This approach has improved our lives greatly in every aspect including the fact that we live much longer. I see no reason to abandon this approach when it comes to god, and you can't seem to give any that aren't grounded in fantasy and befuddlement.