Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't make any difference. People being 'passive' with their beliefs is just as harmful as the fanatics that spread all the hate.


Well-Known Member
Should we allow hobos to fornicate in public for equal rights? or should we be smart enough to stop things that aren't right from happeneing?
Homosexuality is lust and preversion. Loving your brother sexualy is an abomination.
This is a good example of asserting prejudice and oppression based on the false authority you think your asinine beliefs afford you. Which is to say, you just proved Pad's point.


Well-Known Member

It doesn't matter if it's santa!!!! Non-belief doesn't mean you hate something!!! I don't believe in leprauchauns, but I don't hate them! I don't believe in unicorns, and I don't hate them - so why IN THE NAME OF FUCK do you say I hate Jesus because i don't believe in him????!!!!!!
Because he died for your sins. Your say you don't believe in him.

How do you think someone would deny Jesus Christ?
By saying "I deny him," that would be retarded and the anti-christ would be seen as a disgrace by other deceivers.


Ursus marijanus
...neer, go back in the tread - we were talking about 'tangibles'.
I just caught up with a hundred posts on a thread that has exploded into pyroclastic activity while I lay sleeping.
If there were tangibles buried in there, I missed them. I have had trouble comprehending your posts because to my eyes they are protean, metaphoric, quite maddeningly vague. They have a certain suggestive poetry to them, but imo poetry is the last refuge of philosophical failure.
If I had to choose a "tangible" for which I'd seek focusing into something we can fruitfully debate, I'd ask you to explain and show me how to test the assertions you made in post #661. What is God-image? What are its unique manifestations in the measurable mundane material dimensions? How do I measure change therein? Most provocatively ... this 2000-year rotation; what is it and where do I learn objective, testable, non-metaphoric fact about this claim?
cheers 'neer


Well-Known Member
Should we allow hobos to fornicate in public for equal rights? or should we be smart enough to stop things that aren't right from happeneing?
Homosexuality is lust and preversion. Loving your brother sexualy is an abomination.
No, don't let people fuck in the streets... that's just silly.

But you are certainly a bigot, and a hateful person for saying things like that against homosexuals. If you've got such a problem with gays, blame straight people - they're the ones making all the gay babies...


Well-Known Member
This is a good example of asserting prejudice and oppression based on the false authority you think your asinine beliefs afford you. Which is to say, you just proved Pad's point.
Prejudice and oppression??
We are oppressed because of the homosexuals who spread aids!!
How did they get aids and stds?? By not listening to the bible!
What did the bible say about fornicating with animals?
That it was an abomination and the animal should be put to death!


Well-Known Member
Ask a preacher anything, and he will most likely answer you in the best way possible(with an intelligent answer that makes perfect sense).

Watch an anti-christ ask a preacher something and you will see how sad it is because the anti-christ is just laughing and making fun of the preacher.

Im not a preacher, specifically so I won't feel bad about kicking ass.


Well-Known Member
Prejudice and oppression??
We are oppressed because of the homosexuals who spread aids!!
How did they get aids and stds?? By not listening to the bible!
What did the bible say about fornicating with animals?
That it was an abomination and the animal should be put to death!
Actually, my slow witted, ignorant friend - AIDS came about from people eating monkey's.... despite what Dave Chappelle may have told you, people more than likely, weren't fucking monkey's...

...but thanks for proving again your incompetency!

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...trying to get the hell to work! :)

neer, WE are the God-image - Christ is a 2000 year epoch. We are the image of God that is changing.

Sorry about being vague, I have a hard enough time keeping up with the 'hundreds of posts'...


Well-Known Member
Actually, my slow witted, ignorant friend - AIDS came about from people eating monkey's.... despite what Dave Chappelle may have told you, people more than likely, weren't fucking monkey's...

...but thanks for proving again your incompetency!
If you even understood what you were reading or watching(which I know you never do) you would understand that it wasn't from eating monkeys it was from skinning monkeys(an some dude accidently cut himself with the knife he used to skin the monkey). But obviously its bullshit if we got syphilis from sheep, and other stds from other animals.


Well-Known Member
If you even understood what you were reading or watching you would understand that it wasn't from eating monkeys it was from skinning monkeys(an some dude accidently cut himself with the knife he used to skin the monkey). But obviously its bullshit if we got syphilis from sheep, and other stds from other animals.
Never mind the fact that AIDS is estimated to have been around for 32,000 years.... but wait, according to the bible the world is only 6,000 years old any ways....

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...beef, nothing mystic here. Have you ever been in love? Can you explain the feeling. It's mystic...meaning mysterious.

Love and Pain are 2 things the mind cannot remember. So, I'm being as clear as I can be about something that is unexplainable.


Well-Known Member
...beef, nothing mystic here. Have you ever been in love? Can you explain the feeling. It's mystic...meaning mysterious.

Love and Pain are 2 things the mind cannot remember. So, I'm being as clear as I can be about something that is unexplainable.
Love is a reaction to external stimuli, the actual "feeling" is neurotransmitters being released. You can't "remember" a brain state, you can try to remember how it felt - but unless you get the same dose of neurotransmitters in the same way, you won't "remember" it.


Well-Known Member
Never mind the fact that AIDS is estimated to have been around for 32,000 years.... but wait, according to the bible the world is only 6,000 years old any ways....
"HIV is a lentivirus, and like all viruses of this type, it attacks the immune system. Lentiviruses are in turn part of a larger group of viruses known as retroviruses. The name 'lentivirus' literally means 'slow virus' because they take such a long time to produce any adverse effects in the body. They have been found in a number of different animals, including cats, sheep, horses and cattle. However, the most interesting lentivirus in terms of the investigation into the origins of HIV is the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) that affects monkeys, which is believed to be at least 32,000 years old.1"


eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...brought upon by thoughtforms. So yeah, you're right, but most people haven't the slightest clue what 'feeling' is. Chemical, or otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Prejudice and oppression??
We are oppressed because of the homosexuals who spread aids!!
How did they get aids and stds?? By not listening to the bible!
What did the bible say about fornicating with animals?
That it was an abomination and the animal should be put to death!
You can't be oppressed by a disease. You seem to be saying that you or someone you know has contracted aids, and apparently from sex with gay people??

Gay people do not have sex with animals, unless they are also a zoophile, but animals do have gay sex with each other.