1st Ever Grow - 250w DWC 2x4x5 Tent w/ Mendo Purps SCROG


Hi RIU ,

I've been reading/learning a lot and finally took a stab at my own medical grow. Planning to do a SCROG. Here's the set-up for the mendo purps clone I brought home last night:

2' x 4' x 5' tall tent
250w HPS light
4" 65 cfm inlet fan
6" ~150 cfm exhaust fan (got it from a friend so I'm not sure the actual rating)
1 small fan inside
28 qt cooler
30-60 gal whisper air pump
2 - 10" airstones
25 gallon water pump

*sorry no pics yet but I'll try to get a camera soon*


Still no pics but here are some stats:

DAY 1: Using Lucas formula w/ GH micro and bloom

Starting with a low dose for the new clone = 3ml:6ml per gallon (M:B) @ 305ppm (sorry idk the conversion for my meter as it doesn't say but I'm guessing 0.5?)

8:00pm: Clone is introduced to system

11:00pm: Tent 90ºF; Res 65.4ºF; pH 5-6; ppm 285; some leaves show a slight yellowing at the tips and look a little droopy. Took out 1gal from res and added 1 gal of pH RO water to dilute it

DAY 2:
9:00AM: Tent 82ºF; res 71.7ºF; pH 5-6; ppm 252; no further yellowing on leaves but they appear more droopy than before.


Borrowed a camera so here's some pics. Anyone know if the drooping is OK or not? When I brought her home from the dispensary yesterday she was very perky and a friend suggests that she's just adjusting to her new home. I watered with pH'd water this morning.

Tent.jpgCloset setup.jpgMS 9.22.11.jpgMS2 9.22.11.jpgCU 9.22.11.jpgCU2 9.22.11.jpgCU3 9.22.11.jpg


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
You're going to have root lock in that setup if you veg longer than a month.. hell you still might have it if you don't veg at all like I did.


@voidobject: do you mean root bound, i.e. not enough space for the roots? doesn't root lock refer to pH problems?

And if you are referring to space, don't most people have 5gal buckets for 1 or more plants. I have 5 gallons in the res for just one plant so I thought I would be ok...

Any thoughts on the drooping and slight yellowing?

Thanks for the help!


DAY 2:
9:00pm Tent 91ºF; Res 69ºF; ppm 247; pH ~5.8 (i'm using drops so its hard to say but definitely 5-6)


Well-Known Member
91's way too hot man. Are you able to turn your a/c up or open a window or anything to bring cool air in?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Yeah that would be the problem.. 91*F will stress your plants hard. Rez temps need to be below 70.. and thats hella hard to do even with a cooler ;)


91's way too hot man. Are you able to turn your a/c up or open a window or anything to bring cool air in?
I have my intake pulling in air from the crawlspace under my house to bring cold air but its been 95º during the day so its hard. Any other DIY type of remedies other than buying an AC?
Maybe think about making a 4" hole cutout in the top corner Of the closet you're growing in?
This seriously took me quite a spike in electricity and thus power bill and two painful grows before I decided to hook Inline fans through vent tubing completely out of the garden. 6" work far better :leaf:
looks pretty sick anyhow. :bigjoint:
I put in a huge air conditioner. That was the spike. Thought I'd mention why. Certainly got rid of it
A cooler half full of ice/dry ice with cutouts for air to pass through vent tubes into your tent (assuming you have enough negative pressure to suck the air through the cooler) this not only provides a dramatic drop on tempurature but also provides extra Co2 for your plant. It works for about five hours during the hottest part of the day depending on ambient temp. When it gets hotter your plan demands more Co2 anyhow... Just sayin


Well-Known Member
Dry ice and C02 are a little overkill for this grow I'd imagine. I back Void's idea of lots of fans. A cool tube would be beneficial as well, but that's about $70 so....


Well-Known Member
Dry ice and C02 are a little overkill for this grow I'd imagine. I back Void's idea of lots of fans. A cool tube would be beneficial as well, but that's about $70 so....
im in process of making a cool tube. i have a 250hps with a crappy reflector but i bought on of those pyrex round tubes. they're called "bake a rounds." im going to fit the mogul fixture in the tube and use hose clamps to secure it. its 4 inches around so ill use ducting on each side and some inline fans. they're booster fans but thats plenty to vent a 250. a 400 or 600 would probably require a LEGIT inline fan that costs around 100 bucks and can suck air like prostitute lol. once i get everything i may make a thread on "how to" if your interested theirs a thread on another forum on how to. just search cool tube diy on google i believe its grass city. but i'd like to make a fresh one for rollitup:)


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Glass or plastic cool tubes will f@#$ with your spectrums.

Just saying.. I know how bad ass they are getting your temps down, but I want my pure spectrums. :blsmoke: