1st Bagseed Grow


Active Member
I'am going to get a fan, ph meter, down kit, reflective tape, 1x50w cfl ( which make's 106w total), digital tmp/hum. ← total 100 bucks includin shippin

what am i missing?


Active Member
yeah dont bother with those tabs. if anything i would use a little seltzer water but dont worry about that now. its small apples compared to the rest of the stuff. if you try another one with the AG, as soon as you see leaves, get it under light 2 inches away


yeah dont bother with those tabs. if anything i would use a little seltzer water but dont worry about that now. its small apples compared to the rest of the stuff. if you try another one with the AG, as soon as you see leaves, get it under light 2 inches away

Hmmm Co2 is essential for growth, better yields healthier faster producing plants, to compare this with seltzer water... maybe not buddy.
I understand that C02 tabs on a small grow might seem irrelavent but do you want good bud? and a correctly grown plant?

C02 keeps the roots aerated ;) - its oxygen for god sake haha - how would you go for 12 or more weeks without it?


Active Member
yeah dont bother with those tabs. if anything i would use a little seltzer water but dont worry about that now. its small apples compared to the rest of the stuff. if you try another one with the AG, as soon as you see leaves, get it under light 2 inches away
yeah. My plant is gone right now. It was all about the hot air circulating in my closet for whole time.


It's good to know that the guys on this site are so readily available and likely to help out us beginners. You seem like a cool dude and I wish you the best of luck with your future grows. Any help I can give, inexperienced as I am, would be gladly shared, as you have been kind enough and rather helpful to me. Peace, bro and good luck!!!


Active Member
Hmmm Co2 is essential for growth, better yields healthier faster producing plants, to compare this with seltzer water... maybe not buddy.
I understand that C02 tabs on a small grow might seem irrelavent but do you want good bud? and a correctly grown plant?

C02 keeps the roots aerated ;) - its oxygen for god sake haha - how would you go for 12 or more weeks without it?
if i may, co2 is not oxygen, co2 is carbon dioxide. although technically part oxygen, carbon dioxide is a by product of the plants metabolism, when introduced into a nutrient solution, its actually polluting it. kind of like feeding it it's own excretions. tabs should be dissolved in water, close to your grow, not IN your grow solution. for me seltzer waters cheap, just unscrew the bottle and let it sit out in the grow room and let air flow do the rest. in basic terms, you want the co2 flowing at the top, not the bottom. weedss, just get through that first grow, learn the basics, and you can fine tune things later when you're the Tony Montana of the far east. bongsmilie


Active Member
here some picture's.

the door stays like that ( as you can see the small gap ). Which i am guessing that even if i put a fan inside of closet only hot air will circulate ( the gap is too small to get a new fresh air)... I do like to make a hole back of closet nd wire up with pc fan but i can't do that.. my plant got dryed because inside of closet was too hot. ( no freah air)

what is the best of way to make a ventilation inside of closet.


Active Member
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh nd i started to watch games of throns !! kk winter is cominggggggg haha


Active Member
yeah the books are way better tho. that closet is a big problem unless you cut at least a 4inch diameter hole in the back. or a square for a pc fan. if you cant, you're fucked. it wil stay close to 100 f if you dont, slowly killing your plants. you have to get a tent, or just buy a pc box with everything. dont start another seed until we figure this out. i'll link you some cheap solutions.


Active Member
i not willin to buy a other grow box. i will rather cut a hole back in tha closet kk.

What if i put the aerogarden on top of the closet. than will be growing in an open space.
in this way i dont have to worry about heat problem, right?
pic added.


Active Member
heat rises to the ceiling plus thats where a lot of small bugs hang out. to keep it nice and stealthy, you should just cut a square the size of a pc fan. do you have an old pc kickin around? if so, take it apart and take the fans out. or get one from pc store for 5 bucks. then, all you do is splice an extension cord to the fans wires, color to color. is the back of the closet wood? how thick?


Active Member
heat rises to the ceiling plus thats where a lot of small bugs hang out. to keep it nice and stealthy, you should just cut a square the size of a pc fan. do you have an old pc kickin around? if so, take it apart and take the fans out. or get one from pc store for 5 bucks. then, all you do is splice an extension cord to the fans wires, color to color. is the back of the closet wood? how thick?
not thick at all. how many fans should i get? i think 1 exhust fan is not enogh ( the closet is kinda long? big?) what do you think?