MAYAN Prophecy .


Active Member
the world is changing as i speak, right now there is a comet outside in solar system, Comet ELEnin is going to be align with the Sun and Earth on 09/27/2011,

it might cause earthquakes and will evolve the consciousnesses of Man

then you have 11/11/11, again the Sun might disturb our electronic communications such as radio waves , electricity, etc. The Sun's solar flares are increasing and are getting stronger, weakening the magnetic field of Earth, causing this too happen.

The Mayan calender end's on 10/28/2011, not 12/21/2012.

the word Maya means illusion of time,

time as you know while be able to control, infact time will be flexible, along with other gifts such as telepathy, and self healing
why would a comet give us an earthquake? unless it hit the earth... and evolve the consciousness of man? why? how?

how do you know the sun thing is happening on 11/11/11? and what is significant about that date? just the fact its all 11's? that sounds like apophenia.
I kid you not I had a bad e trip because of this bullshit prophecy.
Now that Im over it and I can think clearly again without worrying about the world ending, I realize that its just an other lie. The government is the one who tried to make everything that was predicted look like it was right.
Why? Who knows why...

Pros and cons:

Your unhappy slightly unhappy that day

You overcome a huge challange.
You realize that predicting that shit is all bullshit unless they are completely trustworthy.
Your brain kicks in to beleive that your death is coming sooner then it is, making your brain work ALOT faster then in your previous mind set of thinking you'll live till your 70-90(maybe 100if your lucky).
You also realize that our government is full of lies dishonestly, and can not be trusted.
i just love how people will believe that they could predict when the world was gonna end, but they couldnt figure out good enough means to save water to keep their people alive.
I kid you not I had a bad e trip because of this bullshit prophecy.
Now that Im over it and I can think clearly again without worrying about the world ending, I realize that its just an other lie. The government is the one who tried to make everything that was predicted look like it was right.
Why? Who knows why...

Pros and cons:

Your unhappy slightly unhappy that day

You overcome a huge challange.
You realize that predicting that shit is all bullshit unless they are completely trustworthy.
Your brain kicks in to beleive that your death is coming sooner then it is, making your brain work ALOT faster then in your previous mind set of thinking you'll live till your 70-90(maybe 100if your lucky).
You also realize that our government is full of lies dishonestly, and can not be trusted.

i never said death will happen, that is the media (movies), the world is not ending, nothing ever ends unless the mass consciousness of man allows fear (which the media and the secret government has programmed most humans on earth to believe)

also the government has nothing to do with this topic, i mean they are trying to block this natural process which ancient civilizations have been warning and giveing us guidelines on how to succeed in this change
First, from what I'm understanding, we misunderstood the calendar, then 'end of this age' isn't for a few more thousand years.
second, if it is accurate, thats merely the ending of an age, not the world
third, I've lived through more end of the worlds then I even keep up with. The two that made me laugh the most was y2k and in the late 90's Jesus was supposed to come back Think it was 97 or 98, I just remember being in gym class, playing basketball with some friends and pausing before I made a shot, "Hey, wasn't Jesus supposed to come back today? Huh." then took the shot. I imagine before I die I'll live through several more 'end of the worlds.' Here's the thing, you could die tomorrow from a freak accident, get hit by a car, a random bullet, space debris coming down, There's no guarantee you'll even make it to that date, so why worry yourself about it. I do know this, on the offchance that shit is true, I plan on having a good size stash, making sure those that need to know know I love and adore them, and get blown. If it happens, I'll be sitting there in a lawn chair with a fat ass blunt in my hands watching the world end, if not, I got blown, either way, it works for me.

As far as the evolving, if your waiting for a comet to evolve you maybe you should just take the initiative. The more I learn about quantum physics, the more I have a problem believing anything is impossible, one way to find out I suppose. :blsmoke:
why would a comet give us an earthquake? unless it hit the earth... and evolve the consciousness of man? why? how?

how do you know the sun thing is happening on 11/11/11? and what is significant about that date? just the fact its all 11's? that sounds like apophenia.

do your research, and the comet might cause earthquakes due to gravity force and magnetic pulling of earths crust, the same way the moon pulls ocean tides and currents
i just love how people will believe that they could predict when the world was gonna end, but they couldnt figure out good enough means to save water to keep their people alive.

check this out. its called the hippo roller. it helps africans who have to carry water long distances. instead of carryin it on their head, they can now roll it. this uses much less energy. im not sure how much it is to donate for one
Oh shit I'm gonna become telepathic? You can do so many things, hmmmm.
So this comet that NASA hasn't even warned us about is somehow how going to make my mind a powerful tool?
Galactic - As a side note, not that I'm saying you *are* on acid. But if you are, I would consider it nice to pm me where I can get some. :blsmoke:
Oh shit I'm gonna become telepathic? You can do so many things, hmmmm.
So this comet that NASA hasn't even warned us about is somehow how going to make my mind a powerful tool?

Yep, just like the Nuclear Power plant melt downs made a shitload of japanese folk super-heroes, thats how it works, haven't you heard? :blsmoke:
First, from what I'm understanding, we misunderstood the calendar, then 'end of this age' isn't for a few more thousand years.
second, if it is accurate, thats merely the ending of an age, not the world
third, I've lived through more end of the worlds then I even keep up with. The two that made me laugh the most was y2k and in the late 90's Jesus was supposed to come back Think it was 97 or 98, I just remember being in gym class, playing basketball with some friends and pausing before I made a shot, "Hey, wasn't Jesus supposed to come back today? Huh." then took the shot. I imagine before I die I'll live through several more 'end of the worlds.' Here's the thing, you could die tomorrow from a freak accident, get hit by a car, a random bullet, space debris coming down, There's no guarantee you'll even make it to that date, so why worry yourself about it. I do know this, on the offchance that shit is true, I plan on having a good size stash, making sure those that need to know know I love and adore them, and get blown. If it happens, I'll be sitting there in a lawn chair with a fat ass blunt in my hands watching the world end, if not, I got blown, either way, it works for me.

As far as the evolving, if your waiting for a comet to evolve you maybe you should just take the initiative. The more I learn about quantum physics, the more I have a problem believing anything is impossible, one way to find out I suppose. :blsmoke:

yes, end of this age, it has been a very long 34 thousand year cycle of Man kind evolution. All i know is the ninth Mayan wave begins right after 10.28.2011

it is change, a new global age of peace, take a look at what has happen out in the middle east, it is normal, every evolving planet out in space goes through changes like theses
check this out. its called the hippo roller. it helps africans who have to carry water long distances. instead of carryin it on their head, they can now roll it. this uses much less energy. im not sure how much it is to donate for one

see now i can give props to that man. you gotta work with your head! well i guess before they were just in a different way. and exactly how big is this comet? because to fuck with us like that.

what most dont tell you is how the maya thought the world was gonna end. apparently the forces of good and evil are gonna come to earth and play a game they maya use to play kinda like their football. and whoever wins good or evil wins period...
yes, end of this age, it has been a very long 34 thousand year cycle of Man kind evolution. All i know is the ninth Mayan wave begins right after 10.28.2011

it is change, a new global age of peace, take a look at what has happen out in the middle east, it is normal, every evolving planet out in space goes through changes like theses
†LHMFAO† The day this world knows the end of war is the day man no longer exist on it. Or any living species for that matter. Hell, even ants war. Sorry, I'll just have to see this to believe it.
do your research, and the comet might cause earthquakes due to gravity force and magnetic pulling of earths crust, the same way the moon pulls ocean tides and currents

ok. do you have anything that shows the comet is much closer and much more massive than what this guy is saying?
I was wondering why Comet 2010 X1 Elenin was attracting all the attention from the apocalypse and Nibiru crowd rather than Comet 2009 P1 Garrad. It turns out it’s Leonid Elenin’s fault.

According to a video* going around the web at the moment, Leonid Elenin isn’t a real person (Leonid, a long time comet observer who contributes to the comet-obs discussion group and has his own blog, may be surprised at his non–person status, but bear with me for a moment). Leonids' name is a secret code, ELE for Extinction Level Event and NIN for some tatty old goddess. I mean, you just can’t make a decent code from Garrad or McNaught.

The same video claims that it is comet Elenin, rather than “supermoons” that caused the Chilean and Japanese earthquakes.

Now, I see this as another “teachable moment” as in the case of the so-called “supermoons”. There are two issues here; first the statistical issues and then the ideas of scale.

First off, let’s try thinking statistically. In the video much is made of the claim that within 5 days of the alleged closest approach of Elenin and the Earth there was a large earthquake. Now, in any given year there are 1319 quakes between magnitudes 5-5.9, 134 earthquakes of magnitude 6-6.9 (this includes the earthquake that demolished Christchurch) and 15 earthquakes of magnitude 7-7.9. So, choose any random date and within 5 days of that you will almost certainly, on average have a quake of magnitude 6-6.9 in that date range and a roughly 20% chance of having a larger magnitude quake in that time slice. Thus a simple “earthquake somewhere near a comet close approach” is not by itself convincing. You need some sort of physical plausibility.

As we saw in the “supermoon” article, gravitational tidal effects could plausibly trigger earthquakes. The Moon is large and close, but even with the Moon the effect is quite small, it only occurs for certain types of shallow earthquake, and even then less than one percent of these types of earthquake are triggered by lunar tides. Now, The Moon is 7x10^22 Kg in mass and 384401Km away. At the March closest approach mentioned in the video, comet Elenin was 273137000 Km away. We don’t know the mass of Elenin, but it is likely to be much smaller than comet Halley, which has a mass of 2.2×10^14 Kg. We can use the mass of Halley as a proxy of Elenin for the calculations below.

You can already see that the tidal force due to Elenin is much, much less than that due to the Moon, and we know that the tidal force falls off as the cube of the distance. Now we know the formula for tidal force and we can calculate the tidal force of Elenin relative to the Moon (using Halley's mass for Elenin, an overestimate). It’s a staggering 1034 times less than that of the Moon. So the plausibility of Elenin causing an earthquake is similarly low.

Finally, the video claims that the “alignments” of Elenin and Earth and Sun were on February 27 2010 and March 11-15 2011. The “alignments” were apparently determined by eye from the JPL orbit widget (which explicitly says not to use the orbit widget for this purpose). Fortunately, there are programs that can analytically determine when the closest approach of the comet too Eath is (when the comet, Earth and Sun are aligned). I use SkyMap with the latest orbital elements. It turns out that the comet was aligned with Earth on 27 March 2010 (nowhere near the Chile Earthquake) and will only next be aligned in May 5 2011 (before closest approach on 16 October 2011, again, nowhere near the Japanese Earthquake). No alignment, no earthquake to explain.

The take home message is to keep a sense of proportion (proportion, get it) and don’t try to estimate astronomical alignments by eye on tiny JAVA animations (oh, and check to see that the guy you are claiming is imaginary really does exist).
where did you get the telepathy thing from?

have you ever been with a friend or family member , while watching t.v. or playing a game , out of no where you say something of a topic or a word, and BAM. "Your friend says oh i was just thinking the same thing"

it will come natural, meditation helps speed up the process if your interested
have you ever been with a friend or family member , while watching t.v. or playing a game , out of no where you say something of a topic or a word, and BAM. "Your friend says oh i was just thinking the same thing"

it will come natural, meditation helps speed up the process if your interested

or maybe its because they are a friend or family member and if they hang out with you a lot, the two of you begin to think somewhat the same because of the experiences you have together. occasionally, both of you may be reminded of something at the same time when one of you or a third party says something related to that something. it happens a lot more often in twins. this is because they have almost the same genes and usually have the same experiences throughout life. it is natural for two brains with similar past experiences to produce the same thought when given the same stimuli.

true telepathy would have this occuring constantly. it would be a form of communication. all studies and experiments on telepathy have shown it to be nothing more than random chance. you just remember those random chances and see them as special events. you cant explain it, so the two brains MUST have been connected in some way, right? nope
have you ever been with a friend or family member , while watching t.v. or playing a game , out of no where you say something of a topic or a word, and BAM. "Your friend says oh i was just thinking the same thing"

it will come natural, meditation helps speed up the process if your interested

This has nothing to do with a comet though, so where do you get the relationship of comet = telepathy?
This has nothing to do with a comet though, so where do you get the relationship of comet = telepathy?

i dont think its even a comet, it could be a brown dwarf star also or even Planet X Nibiru ,

With out the Sun , life would on earth would cease, the sun sends frequency and codes , we humans wouldn't even understand how it works, scientists are now starting to realize that Sun might not just be a ball of fire.
and like i said , since this comet is interfering with Earths magnetic field , sun flares are more easily reached to earth magnetic field with out a problem