MAYAN Prophecy .

Luger187 : NASA and others are doing studies and are monitoring the sun and its solar flare activity this moment

and as for the comet or even dwarf star, i dont think its normal it being in our solar system and interring, which is rather a blessing

what we should do , for a guide is to change all negative thoughts, as thoughts will become your reality
That study in no way manner shape or form supports any of the claims you've made, not even a little bit.

change all negative thoughts, huh? Go study up on the political situation in the sudan, or what they do to 'street kids' in Brazil and tell me not to have negative thoughts. There is such a thing as righteous anger. Their is such a thing as balance. Negativity is needed just as much as positive.
thanks for the new sig. that is hilarious
Man, he's given you a store worth of choices for a new sig.
Well for one, when the earth tilts on its axis it receives less sun or more sun in certain spots of the Earth, such as changing evolution of skin color in middle equator regions, while the more north you get the less sun you receive, causing change in genetics of humans,

in Africa skin color is dark, and hair other factors come to play, head north and you have lighter skin and lighter eye color, isnt this evolution?

Pigment changes to adapt to our environment is a far cry from brain enhancement.
Luger187 : NASA and others are doing studies and are monitoring the sun and its solar flare activity this moment

so? i already knew that

and as for the comet or even dwarf star, i dont think its normal it being in our solar system and interring, which is rather a blessing

it is normal for comets to be in our solar system. they are always flying around. and the dwarf star would have been detected long ago

what we should do , for a guide is to change all negative thoughts, as thoughts will become your reality

thanks that was really helpful! :roll:
That study in no way manner shape or form supports any of the claims you've made, not even a little bit.

change all negative thoughts, huh? Go study up on the political situation in the sudan, or what they do to 'street kids' in Brazil and tell me not to have negative thoughts. There is such a thing as righteous anger. Their is such a thing as balance. Negativity is needed just as much as positive.

Man, he's given you a store worth of choices for a new sig.

yes i agree , with out dark there is no contrast, you must have light and dark in order to experience life and learn lessons

and as for certain people suffering , its all due to the soul , every person has incarnated on Earth to experience lessons and karmic teachings
Well for one, when the earth tilts on its axis it receives less sun or more sun in certain spots of the Earth, such as changing evolution of skin color in middle equator regions, while the more north you get the less sun you receive, causing change in genetics of humans,

in Africa skin color is dark, and hair other factors come to play, head north and you have lighter skin and lighter eye color, isnt this evolution?

i guess you are right about that. but i dont see what that has to do with your point
the word Maya means illusion of time

You do realize that your definition of the word Maya is a Sanskrit word, right? As in part of the Hindu faith? Wrong "Indians". It has nothing to do with the Mayan people which, like most other tribes, loosely means The People. It is a collective designation embracing a region that shares a linguistic and cultural heritage.
im sorry guys , i dont wanna be seen as a smart ass or anything , its just sad that the Government rather show obama and non sense instead of showing whats really going on out there
You do realize that your definition of the word Maya is a Sanskrit word, right? As in part of the Hindu faith? Wrong "Indians". It has nothing to do with the Mayan people which, like most other tribes, loosely means The People. It is a collective designation embracing a region that shares a linguistic and cultural heritage.

nice find!

im sorry guys , i dont wanna be seen as a smart ass or anything , its just sad that the Government rather show obama and non sense instead of showing whats really going on out there

yeah because you have been really helpful in helping us understand this(sarcasm). post some evidence or GTFO
there is no more land left to explore , it is now time explore space, and travel out to other dimensions and galaxies, aliens do exist

mother earth is tired of all the destruction of her forests and land, and the wars between people and nations, ego and money has dwelled upon this planet and i believe it is time to change, if we dont change, SHE will do it for us, with natural disasters

we are like pests , feeding off her
there is no more land left to explore , it is now time explore space, and travel out to other dimensions and galaxies, aliens do exist

mother earth is tired of all the destruction of her forests and land, and the wars between people and nations, ego and money has dwelled upon this planet and i believe it is time to change, if we dont change, SHE will do it for us, with natural disasters

we are like pests , feeding off her
We haven't discovered all of the oceans, and we haven't discovered every species. We find new living organisms every year.