How do you get the fattest fullest buds?


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to find out whats the best to use to get the fattest and fullest buds. I don't want puny pathetic buds. Any suggestions are welcome. Is there any home made nutrients to use? or whats the best nutrient line to go to to get a great outcome? thanks!!
2 weeks before you harvest, pluck off every leaf except for the top 2 side fanners on each arm. turn your temp down to 22deg celcius. this will allow cooler air to flow through the entire plant, hardening up the buds.

as far as big buds, dont use 3-2-1 all the way through budding. switch to 4-1 (4-Bloom, 1-Mirco), in week 5 and try adding nutes that are specifically designed for ripening (Power KoolBloom, Bud Candy, etc.)
You need a high phosphorus fert once you see the buds comin' in. Beastie bloomz is what I use to pack on size and weight. Less nitrogen lots of phosphorus and a good bit of potassium. 0-50-30.


Well-Known Member
dutch masters reverse and saturate. A while ago, I had a problem with one of my plants turning hermi. I started researching reverse and saturate. It stops seed formation, but it also aids in the development of buds. I recently did an experiment. I sprayed 3 of 5 plants with reverse and saturate. I didn't spray 2 of 5. The 2 I didn't spray have decent buds... nothing to brag about. The 3 I did spray have huge compact perfect buds. Here are pics.

1st is without... 2nd is with. They are aurora indicas and are 8 wks in.
Reverse really lets them know they are female and they grow huge symetrical buds.


Well-Known Member
Keep the leaves green and so the plants happy and the environment in an appropriate range of values and you will be rewarded with what the plant has to offer, no need to push boundaries with expensive products that often do more harm than good. Good old grow and bloom nutes will get you to a good yield if you use them properly. Also if you have a small light or a low yielding strain then getting gigantic buds might be trying to achieve the unachievable.

good luck!


Active Member
Special nutes can help. Tricks with light and temp can help but the biggest gains IMO come directly from your cultivation.

Did the plant grow without serious shock or distress it's whole life? Did it suffer any basic nute deficiency while growing?

Then there is canopy management, LST Scrog etc to get the best use of your light.

If yield is your main goal then choice of strain counts for a lot too.


Well-Known Member
yea well they have been growing pretty much perfectly. The new tops are growing in super fast. They haven't had any burns, shock or problems. I'm growing 100% organic. I use Roots Organics Buddha grow and will be using the Bloom. I don't have a scrog set up, but since being topped they have been bushing out, exactly how I wanted them to. I will be lolli-popping them as well later on, so that the light usage is just for the bud sites up top. Next Tuesday I will be flipping them into 12/12. I'm pretty excited to see how it goes. Its my 1st grow, but i researched and studied this shit so much before starting and spent some good money to get the best equipment so I can have good results. I feel that if your going to do it, you gota do it right, not half ass. So im crossing my fingers and staying very attentive to make sure these girls bloom nicely.


Well-Known Member
Shooting Powder gives the plant a 2nd surge of bug growth in the last 3 weeks of flower.
It builds bud on top of bud and layers them bigger. Kind of like a artichoke.
Hydro stores carry the powder.


Well-Known Member
Shooting Powder. A packet is about $15 at your local hydro store.
One packet is good for 25 gallons of water. Look up Shooting Powder
here on the RIU baord and you will read some very positive stuff about
Shooting Powder. Puts the budding into overdrive. I will be using this in a
couple of weeks with the 50 degree watering method/experiment for my plants to bring out
tightness in bud but really to bring out the very dark purple/black in my
Black Dominas.


Well-Known Member
My god with the amount of crap in this thread i really would consider deleting it.

Genetics & a strong light! Thats what will help u get the most "fattest uberish nugs"
Not 20 different snake oils lol.
IMAG0112.jpgIMAG0084.jpgIMAG0011.jpgvanilla 2.jpg
Didn't use 20 different snake oils on any of these. Just J.R peters 5-12- 26 hydroponic for veg/ J.R peters bloom booster 10-30-20 in flower /Calcium Nitrate and 35% H2O2. So please tell me you need 20 different toxins as food.
8'ft tall and yes that's a 5gallon bottles.


Active Member
Well if your setup is good, then it's about the light and the canopy management. If you have bushy plants you can do a little LST to arrange the branches into an open vase shape


Well-Known Member
yea well they have been growing pretty much perfectly. The new tops are growing in super fast. They haven't had any burns, shock or problems. I'm growing 100% organic. I use Roots Organics Buddha grow and will be using the Bloom. I don't have a scrog set up, but since being topped they have been bushing out, exactly how I wanted them to. I will be lolli-popping them as well later on, so that the light usage is just for the bud sites up top. Next Tuesday I will be flipping them into 12/12. I'm pretty excited to see how it goes. Its my 1st grow, but i researched and studied this shit so much before starting and spent some good money to get the best equipment so I can have good results. I feel that if your going to do it, you gota do it right, not half ass. So im crossing my fingers and staying very attentive to make sure these girls bloom nicely.
That's pretty much it right there. Attentive care, quick effective responses to problems before they get out of hand and low stress. Oh yeah, and lots of light


Well-Known Member
I'm with sutragrow, on this one. Don't waste your time looking for some magical potion, pick any decent nutrient line, and learn how to use it properly, then save your money in buying some good lighting. Do a little reading and choose a decent strain, then focus the rest of your efforts on learning how to water and feed properly, controlling the environment, and canopy management. Get those right, and it'll be the size of your light that determines the finished size of your buds, if growing indoors.