at a loss


Active Member
Nirvana bubs, about three weeks in flower. 400 watt hps, plus a few hours of daylight I give em on the roof. Nutes are jacks classic bloom booster 10-30-20, montys joy juice 8-16-8, a drop of superthrive here and there and I apply a small layer of earthworm castings to my soil when I water which is usually about a gallon every 5 days. No veg Nutes just ff ocean forest soil to get it through veggin. She's in what I assume to be a 8 gallon pot(only because I got her as a clone and it was all I had at the time) I've been. Getting spots of necrosis on lower leaves and higher fan leaves are getting yellow spot it seems, I'm stumped



Well looking at your pics it doesn't look like anything too serious, possibly n and magnesium. But my concern is your description. If you have a 400watt hps set to 12/12 then there is no reason to put it outside. You have to make a choice to grow outdoors or indoors basically. The key to growing indoors is the consistent environment. I would flush it out with 6.2-6.7 ph'd water because it looks like you might have overfertilized at some point, plus there could be salt build up. But three weeks into flowering looks about right, so I wouldnt panic by any means. Also if its in a 8 gallon pot like you said, there is probably quite a bit of nutrients already in the soil.


Active Member
I've only fed her Nutes twice(at 1/2 recommended) and that was her last two feedings because I figure since she was showing def. Because she's gotten big and ff doesn't really come equipped for flowering. Other than that just distilled water phd to 6-6.5. This is gonna be their last week outside. It seems like they respond to it well.


Active Member
Five gallon pots of ff usually only last me like a month. She vegged outside for like two months that's why I can to bend her over. I was waiting on my light to be returned so I started outdoors


Well-Known Member
I would feed her nutes every third watering if I were you. I just can't see that it's over feeding at half strength. I don't have any experience with Jack's either though.


Active Member
Okay cool. It's only been on like 5 or 6 leaves. So hopefully it just needs a kick. Should I flush? My drainage is pretty good. I don't see any visible salt build up near or inside the hole


Well-Known Member
Based on what you're telling me, I can't advise a flush. With no veg nutes and only two half strength feedings, I just can't see how you could have salt buildup. I have a couple plants in soil right now FF Ocean Forest 3 to 1 of perlite, they are over six weeks old, have gotten several 3/4 strength feedings and two full strength feedings, and they are still in veg and I haven't even flushed them yet and no signs of anything negative.

My gut tells me they are a bit 'ungry.


Well-Known Member
Haha I just realized if you can't see its overfeeding then there wouldn't be sale build up. Gotcha
You can get salt build-up without over-feeding. Don't worry if you ask "stupid" questions (personally, I don't think very many stupid questions actually exist, it's all relative to what you know).

If you feed a plant consistently at proper amounts, over time it is possible and likely to get some build-up. Flushing is a good thing to do regularly. I flower in Ebb and Flow, so salt build-up is easy to see and correct with some Clearex into the rez. I just gave my vegging plants full strength veg nutes. I will water them tomorrow, and then on 9/27 do a flush.

9/24- h20
9/27- h20 flush
9/30 nutes

Just to give you an idea.


Active Member
Cool I'm gonna start fattening em up, I got a AK48,short rider,northern lights and a good bag seed I found that are a month behind the bubs, might start feeding them some montys


Well-Known Member
This will give you an idea how I do things:

Big Bloom
Dosage Advised: 4 TBLS/gallon
Actually Started @: 1 TBL/gallon
Now: 4 TBLS/gallon

Grow Big
Dosage Advised: 2-3 TSP/gallon
Actually Started @: 0.5 TSP/gallon
Now: 2 TSP/gallon

PPM Starting: 350
PPM Now: 1020