No matter how hard we try!

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
I screwed up and deleted my thread here! The question basically was --> Why newbies ask the same old, same old, when the questions have been asked and answered a thousand times? And why the don't search and read?

Your right! I'm wrong! Well made point babygro! Well made point hydroflo! I Hadn't looked at in those ways!


Well-Known Member
I believe you have multiple threads open with questions that i have answered myself through youtubes you kinda hypocrisized and contradicted yourself there.


Well-Known Member
I agree. There's far too much 'asking of questions that have already been answered' and not enough background research and reading.

I put it down to the 'throwaway, instant gratification fast-paced' society we now live in. Why spend hours and hours reading through a lot of material you don't understand when you can post a question on here and get an answer in minutes?

The internet has a lot to answer for, it's opened up a central knowledge base to many millions of people, it's just a shame many of those millions have no idea how to access that knowledge, nor any desire to.


Well-Known Member
The way i feel about this topic is just not to answer the person if the question they asked was already asked and anwered. I like that better than smart ass comments by people like babygro. Oh ya and dont believe everything you read on the internet.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member

I agree. There's far too much 'asking of questions that have already been answered' and not enough background research and reading.

I put it down to the 'throwaway, instant gratification fast-paced' society we now live in. Why spend hours and hours reading through a lot of material you don't understand when you can post a question on here and get an answer in minutes?

The internet has a lot to answer for, it's opened up a central knowledge base to many millions of people, it's just a shame many of those millions have no idea how to access that knowledge, nor any desire to.

The way i feel about this topic is just not to answer the person if the question they asked was already asked and anwered. I like that better than smart ass comments by people like babygro. Oh ya and dont believe everything you read on the internet.
I think babygro made a very valid point! But I also have to agree with you about not answering if it has already been asked! Fricken double standards no matter where you go! Time to light another one!

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
I believe you have multiple threads open with questions that i have answered myself through youtubes you kinda hypocrisized and contradicted yourself there.
Not sure what you mean by this, but ok! If you mean me asking questions about how to grow and what not! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I have been there done that 34 years ago, and i'll challange any one to a grow off! Lol!

Is that what you were talking about? If not--> Me bad! lol



Well-Known Member
I agree. There's far too much 'asking of questions that have already been answered' and not enough background research and reading.

I put it down to the 'throwaway, instant gratification fast-paced' society we now live in. Why spend hours and hours reading through a lot of material you don't understand when you can post a question on here and get an answer in minutes?

The internet has a lot to answer for, it's opened up a central knowledge base to many millions of people, it's just a shame many of those millions have no idea how to access that knowledge, nor any desire to.
i feel you. but im sure a large number of people look for their answers on here before asking.. but weaving through thousands of threads when u search for specific words and finding heaps of things your not looking for makes it a tedious progress..which leads reasking questions which leads to more clutter. it would be nice if when searching for "cfl" the first thing that comes up would be the few grows ive seen here in progress and past. but thats not the case :\


Well-Known Member
I think we need another STICKY that gives basic INFO on everything about growing. so insted of newbies asking the same shit, they can research Every little freakin detail. i think that would work nicley, then there would only be, what am i doing wrong? help me etc...


Well-Known Member
I dont know if this thread is still open but heres my answer. Many people might skim through this since it only says member and not senior member by my name as to add credibility to what I say but I am goin to school for internet based design. ANYWAYS........It is always good to ask watever questions you want. This is actually a conversation i could hold with the owner of this site i believe. This is something I beleive because of the fact that certain people dont have the time or just arent as good at accessing certain info as well as other people and they'de rather not waste time and just ask on a forum hoping that the people in the particular forum are open to repetitively asked questions...This way people that have been on the site can kindly reference were to read.

All it takes is patience..Plus, answers that you guys have givin me in my threads I can now tell to people who are asking these types of questions and other people can critique my opinions and views. Its good for everyone. Never be afraid to ask.

If you've answered thousands of the same types of material, let other people answer them, after all, were just typing on 26 sets of keys on a keyboard, not running laps. for real, c'mon now.


Well-Known Member
o yeah, tillthedayIDie, (the person who posted in front of me). A perfect example is the fact that I skimmed over this thread to see wat you guys were saying and had an opinion so i posted that long ass almost article about what I feel on this topic without even reading wat you wrote. After I posted I noticed that I had a comment for wat you posted as well. This will always happen, no matter how much info you have, and especially if you have too much info. So I dont think you guys should post any more info because people will always skip it and go straight to the forum. Sorry for the two long posts and I mean no harm just saying wat I think. peace out.

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
I dont know if this thread is still open but heres my answer. Many people might skim through this since it only says member and not senior member by my name as to add credibility to what I say but I am goin to school for internet based design. ANYWAYS........It is always good to ask watever questions you want.

Ok, class dismissed! You can go home now!

I was just wondering! I didn't feel that there was any harm in asking a QUESTION!

Peace Bro! :peace:


Well-Known Member
remember your first grow? how impatient you were, and how half-assed you researched? happens all the time.


Active Member
as a newbie I came here and ask a question w/o readind, a thing!BIG MISTAKE!Since then I haven't ask a single question.In my opionn, you can learn all you need to know with what is already provided.My grow is going well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS TO ALL THAT POST !!!!!