Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*

i don't think the punishment for stealing should be death...but i don't have much sympathy for thieves .... the home owner/grower is going to be charged with something..i you see someone in your driveway stealing your car stereo and you shoot them you will get charged..unless you plant a screwdriver/knife in his hand and say he attacked you and it was self defense
All you'd have to do is point the gun lower, thats all...
Funnily enough there isnt THAT many redheaded Irish women, no more than the rest of the world... You're always welcome to come over tho, I can guarantee a random stranger will buy you a pint if your cool and if you ask the right people you'll probably get some decent chronic...and the thing I guarantee the most is you'd have a fucking good time!

(With virtually zero chance of getting shot ;) )

Well damnit! I have to find another place to die. :( I need to be surrounded by redheads!!!

And I think we have a contender for your drinking challenge! LOL,0,3491215.htmlstory
NO one deserves to die for stealing Property

But a shotgun blast to the Perpetrators knee caps is considered just punishment in Northern Ireland
If you shoot to injure and not kill your more twisted then the ones that shoot to kill. Think about being heavily disabled or death i think i would pick death.....
If you shoot to injure and not kill your more twisted then the ones that shoot to kill. Think about being heavily disabled or death i think i would pick death.....

Young people never believe they are gonna die
But they do fear going around in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives
NO one deserves to die for stealing Property

But a shotgun blast to the Perpetrators knee caps is considered just punishment in Northern Ireland

Firstly... it wouldnt be a shot gun... 9mm or just broke with baseball bat... secondly... Thankfully our times with guns and bombs and knee cappings has come to an end... or very near it... yous lot will be killing each other for decades to come...
It was considered a punishment by the IRA, it's when you basically put a gun to the back of someone's knee and pull the trigger...hence the term knee capping ;)

And historically speaking,it's pretty merciful compared to the other possible punishments.

EDIT: And NOONE is knee-capped anymore,the war is over thankfully.
Firstly... it wouldnt be a shot gun... 9mm or just broke with baseball bat... secondly... Thankfully our times with guns and bombs and knee cappings has come to an end... or very near it... yous lot will be killing each other for decades to come...

I always thought it was done from the front
And I think I would rather be shot in the knee than held up with a gun while some one was swinging a bat

no matter what its gonna suck
The owner's son will go home free as a bird, he didn't shoot until AFTER the thief attacked him. Shooting someone in the head or torso is called being accurate and humane.