help with how to prune

wel first off when shold i start pruning n how should u cut the primary leaves or just the inside foilage. how do you know when you can start and were to the inner foilage is still small". any help would be greatly appreciatePicture 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
I would not start pruning in the first place. Your plants need their fan leafs. Some ppl cut some of the leafs during the last couple weeks of flowering to get more light on the buds but even that hasn't been proven beneficial.


Well-Known Member
wel ive heard like if u trim some places two more for lack of the right word the twigs from the plant appear were u snipped
I think what u are referring to is "topping" and no, one dosent turn into 2 u just chopped the main cola off! Now the two under. The main will develope better, but with mylar and difussed light, u can get the same effect, only better, just let her grow homie, get ur feet wet, then start learning new. Techniques


Well-Known Member
Of course,anyway u can put a pic up? Would like. To c what it looks like, could maybe offer some more tips, a pic is worht a. 1,000 words! Ood lick on ur. Grow! And remember! NO CUTTING!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'd just tie the main stem over so other branches can develop. IMO actually cutting to prune stresses the plant and slows it down for a while


Active Member
Well I get to this point with no nothing but prune! NICE AUTOFLOWER HUH! Too bad its all smoked and in my lungs already, 2 quarters left , side lighting helped me out a lot!



Well-Known Member
I guess, to each there own, id never strip a plant of its leaves like that. What makes u think it makes the buds bigger? If that was the case, nature woould just lose its leaves so the buds could get more light. But. The leaves absorb sun light