

Well-Known Member
Alright for this thread we are not going to talk about religions, well at least not try to prove whether they are real or not. I don't want atheists making fun of religions, and I don't want religious people insulting atheists. :)
For this thread I'm going to ask questions as though I don't have a specific religion.

Anyways where did "god" come from? Like who were the first people to say "god did it"? What happened to our ancestors to believe that they had a creator?
If something happened like storms they should have just thought the earth was mad or something, you know?
But why would they say god did it?
Like we have all these threads debating whether god is real or not, but if you think about it we wouldn't even be arguing if it wasn't a possibility a creator exists.
They had to honestly believe god exists, but before anyone thought up with the word "god" there would be no point in trying to find a reason why we are here. We would have just been like any other animal and just lived to live. So why did they come up with a god?
The thread doesn't really make sense but I hope you kinda get it.
Some may say an alien(s) visited earth, but how do we know those alien(s) weren't god(s) themselves?
Do you get what I'm saying? Something must have happened in order for these people to actually come up with a new word to describe something they would never be able to explain.

Some may also say that they made religion to control the masses but what about the religions that promise no afterlife or punishment on earth?
I honestly think magic mushrooms had a lot to do with people conjuring up the idea of God.......... But in general I think that God comes from people invoking fear of where they go when they die, or where they came from. Stories get elaborated over the generations and suddenly the guy who got bullied for bread and fish and won is David and Goliath after the tale is told and retold through the generations............
I imagine because humans have this knack for anthropomorphizing, personifying the ineffable. Why else would the wind on old maps have a face and puffed cheeks?
I honestly think magic mushrooms had a lot to do with people conjuring up the idea of God.......... But in general I think that God comes from people invoking fear of where they go when they die, or where they came from. Stories get elaborated over the generations and suddenly the guy who got bullied for bread and fish and won is David and Goliath after the tale is told and retold through the generations............

you cant b that arrogant to believe that this, what "you" see and sense is all there is. how morose! I pray for all indiviuals out there alone with only their strength and knowledge to rely on. This world well u know, but maybe if you read the word with an open heart you would see and hear!
I would consider them Gods.
&& I am sure early humans did as well. <3

That's what think too. Also I believe these aliens gods taught the people different things hence the religious books. Also some of these books have been changed alot, so who knows what these alien gods wanted from us.
Too much ancient aliens shows.

There is evidence that our ancestors did partake in some forms of religious/ceremonial ,activities.
im not talking about incas or myans, more like 100,000's of years ago
Ancient Aliens is a fun show.


There are quite a few unexplained things on that show.... However I bet a civilization that existed at one point, but was destroyed by a planetary event or impact perhaps, would probably explain a lot of it.


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Hmm how do you guys so easily believe aliens but not religion? I'm not arguing just wondering.

In February 2011 the Kepler Space Observatory Mission team released a list of 1235 extrasolar planet candidates, including 54 that may be in the habitable zone.Six of the candidates in this zone are smaller than twice the size of Earth. Based on the findings, the Kepler Team has estimated "at least 50 billion planets in the Milky Way" of which "at least 500 million" are in the habitable zone.

500 million planets in our galaxy where water can be liquid, and how many galaxies in the Universe? :) We're the only ones? No way! We're not alone.
In February 2011 the Kepler Space Observatory Mission team released a list of 1235 extrasolar planet candidates, including 54 that may be in the habitable zone.Six of the candidates in this zone are smaller than twice the size of Earth. Based on the findings, the Kepler Team has estimated "at least 50 billion planets in the Milky Way" of which "at least 500 million" are in the habitable zone.

500 million planets in our galaxy where water can be liquid, and how many galaxies in the Universe? :) We're the only ones? No way! We're not alone.
:) (smiling face means I'm not arguing, ha)
I know but why is it so hard to believe there is a god? Like I said we don't know how god looks like so how do we know it's not the king "alien"? I'm just wondering how that's so hard to even try to believe.
:) (smiling face means I'm not arguing, ha)
I know but why is it so hard to believe there is a god? Like I said we don't know how god looks like so how do we know it's not the king "alien"? I'm just wondering how that's so hard to even try to believe.

I think because it's so preposterous that its more funny to believe there is a God than to not believe. Humans (as well as any living organism) is just a little computer. When we die, it turns off. We didnt fear year 1800, it didnt exist for us. We also wont fear year 2200, it wont exist for us either.

I think that those who think we go to some special place its just humans thinking that since we MUST be the most evolved species in the Universe, then of course WE go to some place special, right? Entitlement at its finest..... Kinda like the guy who always brags about meeting celebrities, like that guy is SO important that THEY have to meet HIM? Ya right. :)

Plus, everyone has their own idea of what a God is. And their God is the only God. How many variations of something that can only be one right way can be presented before the underlying idea is found to be bullshit?

We are star dust, nothing more...........
Early man was not very bright. There were alot of things they did not understand. So I assume their lack of scientific knowledge led them to make up and believe in "god(s)". Some still do it to this day.
:) (smiling face means I'm not arguing, ha)
I know but why is it so hard to believe there is a god? Like I said we don't know how god looks like so how do we know it's not the king "alien"? I'm just wondering how that's so hard to even try to believe.

Remember Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." If there are extraterrestrial civilizations that are much older than our own (and the anthropic principle would suggest that there are) they would likely have technology that most of us would probably consider magic, or that we would consider them gods. But they would have evolved from simple beginnings just as we have. But to think that an advanced civilization capable of intergalactic travel would visit a bunch of non-conscious, ape-like creatures (as homo sapiens were before about 10,000 years ago) and try to communicate some crazy fairy tale myths seems silly. What would be there incentive to spend thousands of light years to get here to do this? What a colossal waste of time. Even if they had traveled here, they would have taught us the way the universe really works, the laws of physics and thermodynamics, and actual technological advances. Not different non-nonsensical stories just to fuck with us...
Early man was not very bright. There were alot of things they did not understand. So I assume their lack of scientific knowledge led them to make up and believe in "god(s)". Some still do it to this day.

What put the idea that there was a god? Wouldn't they have just thought that earth was mad not god?
Remember Clarke's Third Law: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." If there are extraterrestrial civilizations that are much older than our own (and the anthropic principle would suggest that there are) they would likely have technology that most of us would probably consider magic, or that we would consider them gods. But they would have evolved from simple beginnings just as we have. But to think that an advanced civilization capable of intergalactic travel would visit a bunch of non-conscious, ape-like creatures (as homo sapiens were before about 10,000 years ago) and try to communicate some crazy fairy tale myths seems silly. What would be there incentive to spend thousands of light years to get here to do this? What a colossal waste of time. Even if they had traveled here, they would have taught us the way the universe really works, the laws of physics and thermodynamics, and actual technological advances. Not different non-nonsensical stories just to fuck with us...

so you're saying it's highly unlikely that aliens visited earth and were mistaken as a god? How do we know they are so advanced? What if they are just a little more advanced than us. I mean in space travel we are advancing extremely fast so who knows how far we will be able to go in 1,000 years?