Busted..or not?


Here's a scenario, followed by a question for you all.

A friend of mine recently took a vacation to a state that allowed medical marijuana and, while there, purchased an ounce of some Burmese Kush through another friend who is a legal patient. This friend of mine was flying back to Ohio however and could not bring the bag with him so he decided to ship it back home via UPS. All precautions were taken in terms of keeping the smell in. Unfortunately, upon receiving his package, my friend opened it to find that the only contents left were all the packaging materials(i.e bubble wrap, foam inserts)..no ounce. He can see where the package was opened and re-taped at some point throughout the shipping process.

My question is this...is my friend looking at any consequences here? Aside from being out $220.
being an idiot is one problem that he will live with the rest of his life. wtf?, shipping an oz over state lines making it a Federal offense, interstate drug trafficking just to save 220? silly. next time leave the oz for with the guy that bought you the oz in the first place as a thanks for getting me this stuff on my vacation. Ohio, really?
you will be out what you bought and thats it, sounds like a worker found your stuff and kept it, no harm no foul.
or maybe the cops are outside you house right now :joint:
go check.

and he had it shipped right to his house? no ta good/smart criminal.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Id say he is just out of his $220.00... If you ehemmm hmmehmm I mean he was busted it would have happened already... They (cops or ups guy being watched by cops) would have delivered the package with the oz. , wait for you to pick the package up in front of your door (probably made you sign for it), and naild you right then and their red handed... There is no way they could bust you now as long as there was no return adress with your name on it...lol.... my guess is it got smelly and a stoner ups worker scored a oz. of some dank bud...sorry man, but you've been burnt....


It wasn't to save $220 as much as it was to make a couple hundred back in Ohio. And yes...Ohio, really...sorry that you don't approve of where he lives.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
If they were gonna bust the dude, they'd have ket the package go thru., and busted him after it arrived. No worries. Somebody found it and took it.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't to save $220 as much as it was to make a couple hundred back in Ohio. And yes...Ohio, really...sorry that you don't approve of where he lives.
Do you know why the trees in Pennsylvania lean to the east? ... Because Ohio blows.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
some dude in a warehouse who hates his job and life stole that shit. tell your friend to relax. do you really think the police would go through the charade of retaping the box and sending it to the address WITHOUT weed in it? were they going to wait for the guy to take the box in the house so they could bust him for a box of bubble wrap? that's too funny.


Well-Known Member
yeah ups worker got it. if it was the cops they would have let the package be delivered and then busted you when you signed for it. recieving an empty box is not against the law. and without the weed there is no evidence of a crime ever occurring. next time use the united states postal service. they do more volume and neeed as search warrant signed by a judge to open any package. ups and fedex can open anything they want because they are a private company and not an extention of the governement. consider yourself lucky for the time being.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Often this is the policy. Remove the contraband and send the rest of the package as is. It sends a pretty clear message without having to prove anything.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
lol Cranker you must be bored. You closed a petition thread. :) I remember when I posted that Snopes link and you thought it was the shit and repped me. ;)