My Art


Well-Known Member
Img_01420.jpegImg_01411.jpegImg_01409.jpegImg_01412.jpegImg_01416.jpegIm not very good at it, but i thought i'd share. I draw 24/7 and still suck, but, thats why im a writer.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
the last two look real cool cuz of the colors you used, and i like yur point of perspective city looks prety kewl


Well-Known Member
Theres a method of using lines to get your 3d's perfect i can remember the name of the technique ill dig out some old art books 2mrw see if i can help you :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry.
Identical twin? You don't look anything like hitler.

Your artwork really is good though.
lol no, he just had a scar from skatboarding that lookes like hilter, and he's a boy and im a girl, so we arent identical.
thanks for the compliment though!


I like your style in drawing and find it unique. I think you can do better than that if you will enhance more of your talent.


This is very nice and unique art and i think you are good artiest i want to so more of your inseparable art which is give some message also so please as show me more of your art thanks.



Well-Known Member
im guessing no one likes non object art here??? well u shold i got plenty where all these came from all be sold around the world so w.e if u dont want to comment on them cuz there not going to be around for long so post some comment ppl[Geturgrowon =)