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opinions are like assholes...
Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got em!opinions are like assholes...
...and everyone think everyone else's stinks.Opinions are like assholes, everyone's got em!![]()
Thats fucking ruthless and it just made my day awsome.LMAO THATS GOOD I STILL THINK YOUR A JACK THE LAD KNOW IT ALL PRICK THO![]()
Why do they have to scare us? I think they just tax as they see fit anyway. The thing is, we should not have to pay to clean up the corporations messes. We must take back control of the government, Of this I know not how, but I know it is necessary if we are to survive. The My dicks bigger than your dick thingy is going to annihilate us all.THE polar caps on saturn and other planets are melting and shrinking aswell, not to many SUV's there i would imagine. Global warming is being used as a weapon to scare the population into more taxes.
maybe it seems small because of an optical illusion of sorts, being seen from space. the planet is unbelievably enormous.when viewed from space, it is not enormous at all. That is the perspective you need to see to understand the dillema. Being as we have no other place to go once we destroy this planet, It might make sense to try and stop the corporations from strip mining and clear cutting as well as many other destructive endeavors by all of mankind. Now think about this, Will you agree that trees have an influence on the weather. It's Been proven that the sahara desert was once a land of greenery, now it is a wasteland, much as So. America will be if we dont stop the clearcutting of forests. It doesn't rain in the Sahara, at least not enough to measure, could that be from the lack of greenery? There are too many unknowns to rule out mans contribution to any of the destructive trends in the weather or global warming. and many reputable real scientists and climatologists say yes, man's contributing. Most on your side have an agenda and can't really offer proof it's not true. My agenda is to enlighten people. I will not make one thin dime. All I'm trying to do is to get people to look at what a wonderful planet we have, and to get them interested in making it liveable for my grandchildrens grandchildren and beyond. we must change our lifestyles. Example: local fishermen across the globe in poor countries that once relied upon fishing to support their families cant make a living fishing because the corporate fishing fleets have decimated the fisheries, IE no fish to catch, I'm talking many thousands of starving poor fishermen. There is no governing body on open water and once you wipe out the large schools of open water fish, there will be none left close to shore for local fishermen. We need a moratorium on corporate fishing. Fish from fish farms only, and even these are an ecological disaster. The planet is fucked unless we change our ways. The planet will survive, but we may well not.
that infomation conflicts with the latest reports that say ice at the poles AND greenland are acually thickening and that the planet hasn't warmed any since 1998.I seen last night that the ice is melting at 1.1/2 meters a year the last few years in 1990 it was a 1 and a 1/4 inches,
2000 it was 3 1/2 inches with flowing rivers under neath the says if it carry,s on like this the polar caps will be completely gone in the next 3 or 4 decades ,
That sounds like massive change in the last 20 years or has it just been melting all along from day 1 ?
that infomation conflicts with the latest reports that say ice at the poles AND greenland are acually thickening and that the planet hasn't warmed any since 1998.
but even if it is true, the question is: "is MAN causing the melting or is it just the natural changing cycles of the planet's climate?" all evidence supports natural climate variations, fueled by solar activity, are at work.
well, let me put it in perspective for you. the I.P.C.C., the main proponant of AGW, says the warming could be as little 1.4 degrees over the next century and water level could rise as much as 20 cm. considering mean temperatures rose .6 degrees the last century, 1.4 degrees isn't a crisis. it like moving to a slightly warming spot in your country.I hope it natural man and not man made because we are to used to are life stills now, 24 hour a day working life style world wide thing will not change if so people are to greedy to make changes
And i hope its natural so my kids and thre future kids have a future here without having to survive through all sorts of extream weather 100x worse than whats going on now or even a smog filled world like china in 20 years imagin
better to be safe than sorry i guess
I wasent to sure on the on the amount they they had the caps defrosting at for sure, i was high while watching but its from inchs to meters in 10 years great white sharks in england dolfines in ireland the scots fish moving to green land
I think its a man made disaster in the making, But then when i think again at some other views i think is the world just been burning out from the start slowly, And was every thing on earth ice at one stage just 1 big ice ball and just been disolving from then ...
I,ll keep a open mind but i still think its better to be safe than sorry ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,