My first grow, are my plants healthy? LST on seedling.. HELP!


this is my first grow and im using miracle gro 6 month auto-feeding premium potting soil. do i need fertilizer if it has food in soil? i have 2 plants : Cheese (9 days old) and Purple Buddha (7 days old) im LST my cheese plant, is this beneficial for plant growth? also when are they good to go outdoors to grow big and strong..also help with "wimpy" stems...are my plants looking healthy? any help thanked :leaf:



Active Member
this is my first grow and im using miracle gro 6 month auto-feeding premium potting soil. do i need fertilizer if it has food in soil? i have 2 plants : Cheese (9 days old) and Purple Buddha (7 days old) im LST my cheese plant, is this beneficial for plant growth? also when are they good to go outdoors to grow big and strong..also help with "wimpy" stems...are my plants looking healthy? any help thanked :leaf:
Why are you LSTing them so young? Wait until they have 3 true nodes.


Active Member
Also, it's usually not a good idea to put them in a soil medium that has a high level of nutes in it and that auto-feeds. This is just my opinion, but sometimes the soil will burn the seedlings.. Seedlings use the nutes that are in their seed for the first few weeks anyway.. And after that if the soil has low nute content, you can keep careful track of their nutrient intake by feeding them yourself.


Active Member
One last thing.. to answer your question about them being wimpy... Put a fan on them so that they vibrate very gently in the wind.. This strengthens their stem.. It takes away some of the chemical energy they would use for making new leaves and later on, buds and trichs, but having a strong base stem is very good.


Active Member
grr, this should all be in one post.. but im high so pls forgive me. I promise this is my last comment for now =)
They both are stretching a fair amount.. and the leaves are small and for their age.. This suggests to me that you do not have enough lumens for them. Please put them under a 20/4 light schedule if they're indoors, with at least 80 minimum fluorescent light, or 200 watt MH if you don't mind spending the electricity.. If they are fluorescents put the bulbs about an inch away from the plants. If MH, a foot and a half or so. They need more light!
Why would you grow them outside - it's almost october. I would keep them in and give them more light.


grr, this should all be in one post.. but im high so pls forgive me. I promise this is my last comment for now =)
They both are stretching a fair amount.. and the leaves are small and for their age.. This suggests to me that you do not have enough lumens for them. Please put them under a 20/4 light schedule if they're indoors, with at least 80 minimum fluorescent light, or 200 watt MH if you don't mind spending the electricity.. If they are fluorescents put the bulbs about an inch away from the plants. If MH, a foot and a half or so. They need more light!
Why would you grow them outside - it's almost october. I would keep them in and give them more light.
thanks so much, i stopped the lst im gonna wait like yu said. i have them in sunlight for 10, then 10 indoor light (1000 lumens i think) i live on a lake so the sun goes directly over my house, is this still enough light for them to develop correctly?


Well-Known Member
i would keep them under artificial light and forget about the sunlight. and like the OP said above put a fan on low and far enough away from them to make them just move a tiny bit, this will strengthen the stem and they wont fall over on you as the tops get bigger. def do not use any nutes for a good while probally 4--5 weeks you can go without using any extra food.

unless you plan on setting up a indoor grow, now is a really bad time of year to start seedlings (just being honest) you will only be able to put them outside when they are completly done with vegging.

get a closet, some mylar and some decent lighting a couple timers and a fan and dont burn your house down :P

good luck, hope all works out for you

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
i would keep them under artificial light and forget about the sunlight. And like the op said above put a fan on low and far enough away from them to make them just move a tiny bit, this will strengthen the stem and they wont fall over on you as the tops get bigger. Def do not use any nutes for a good while probally 4--5 weeks you can go without using any extra food.

Unless you plan on setting up a indoor grow, now is a really bad time of year to start seedlings (just being honest) you will only be able to put them outside when they are completly done with vegging.

Get a closet, some mylar and some decent lighting a couple timers and a fan and dont burn your house down :p

good luck, hope all works out for you

ok i agree wit every thing exept the mg soil i use it from start to finsh but only use nutes in flower it has enough to get the plant thru tellthen .check out my grow uner my sig and you can see what i mean. Oh and you need at least 10000 lum per plant:leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok i agree wit every thing exept the mg soil i use it from start to finsh but only use nutes in flower it has enough to get the plant thru tellthen .check out my grow uner my sig and you can see what i mean. Oh and you need at least 10000 lum per plant:leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:
sorry if i gave bad advice im no pro myself :)

buddy bud

Well-Known Member
sorry if i gave bad advice im no pro myself :)
ohh no not bad advice at all was very sound advice just disagree on one point thats all we all are here to help i still ask ??? Every day thats how i learn.from others that have been there already!!!!! Peace and chicken grease



New Member
Cover that stem all the way up with soil to the sprout leaves. If you keep doing this all that stem under the sprout leaves will be root base. No need to tie it down as it grows a long stem keep adding dirt. Try not to cover any real leaf nodes. I would start a seedling in a pot half full of soil so I can add more as it grows. If you do this they will take off like a rocket. I would also grow in sunshine or bx pro mix soil. this way you can add your own nutrients later.