Brick Top
New Member
I think what he's saying is that if they're all cloudy when you harvest and the effect is too "light" then you should pick a different strain that gives what your looking for instead of harvesting late. Not trying to be an ass so sorry if it seems that way I just think this is the best lesson that could be learned about when to harvest. But's all a matter of personal preference.
It is a matter of personal preference. But then someone who says that about their choice could just be searching for a way to justify doing something inane to attempt to make up for an error when making an earlier choice.
Someone could purchase a McLaren F1 or a Bugatti Veyron and find their car to be too powerful and to fast and have it de-tuned so it would seem more like something they would be more comfortable with. But it sort of defies logic to purchase an ultimate supercar and then attempt to domesticate it and to tame it.
I could not begin to guess how many times over the years I have read threads where people picked a strain saying they wanted major THC and the strain claimed a high level of THC, but then they threw away THC by waiting for large amounts of amber trichomes. Doing so tells you that THC was not of as major importance as they had said. What they really wanted would come from a combination of CBD and certain terpenoids, not THC. But that was not factored into their decision making process.
Instead a strain that won a Cup, even though it likely did not win through merit and because of that winning a Cup has become a big joke, or some flavor of the month strain that a gagillion bubble-gummers were going on and on about at the time the person was making their choice was picked rather than picking a strain that would have been a far better choice and given them what they wanted without having to try to alter it to meet their likes by attempting to play cannabinoid and terpenoid alchemist and de-tuning what the strains genetics were intended to give.
But they can always justify both their strain choice and de-tuning their crop by simply saying it is all nothing more than a matter of personal preference.