Well-Known Member
Totally believe you on that one, I will seriously look into getting one. Tonight, I had to pull the stones and put a toothbrush to them to get a flow back. Nova is some thick, gummy shit. I see those pumps everywhere on here, they sound crazy in the videos too. How large is the one above?
this is the smaller, six outlet, 'junior' model. You don't need the bigger one, believe me. It's a rather compact unit, but its solid, heavy metal housing will let you know right away the difference between this commercial pump and the common residential aquarium pump. Those aquarium type pumps are notorious for losing pressure after prolonged use, too...while the commercial keeps blasting the same 45 liters per minute of oxygen every time your plug it in. It's a loud, vibrating demon, but if you're gonna grow, why not go all the way, huh?
You using Nova, huh? That's what I used on my first grow before switching to flora (dissolves better, you can tweak ratios more). Yeah, that Nova is clumpy and runs kinda dirty imo. On my very first grow, my cheap aquarium pump failed and the roots got massively coated with that brown gunk. It was ugly, but the harvest wasn't bad for first timer screw up grow.
Not even gunky Nova can stop this air pump, though. Nothing can.
Oh, btw. You are running a very high ppm, sir. If you run more oxy, your plants will do just as well (better) with lower ppms, cutting down on gunk buildup from overly high concentrations of nute.