Homemade Under Current

If you aren't into politics, now would be a good time. It IS happening, right before your eyes. You can call it conspiracy if you want, and ignore it, but guess what? It's not gonna go away. Educate yourself, Youtube is amazing. Stay away from the big media, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, etc...they are all owned by the elite. Our dollar is collapsing my friends by design.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
Thomas Jefferson

Wake up to what they are doing...Destroying us from the inside with corporations, lobbyists...All of the candidates are bought except for 1, Ron Paul. He knows because he has been in congress for 30 years, and has watched them slowly do it. We need to take back our nation.

Hey guys, sorry, but I had to go out of town, so I haven't been around to update. I harvested about 4 days ago, and all is drying still. Another day or so and I'll be filling the jars. Since I had the stretch to deal with I had to top alot of the big buds way early, sucked. I'm running plain water and Flora Kleen through the system right now while waiting on the next set of seeds to germ. I'll post a link here when I get the new journal up. Thanks for following.
oh man.... those calyx aren't even swollen... the pistils have not receded.. and it looks like popcorn... to early!
Had to...Got another out of town job, and won't be here to tend to it. BTW the buds on the screen are from the smaller plant, the larger was done. This was a bad grow for me, the first in the UC. Lots of stretch from my fuckup in the beginning, kinda ready to move on, ya know?
Did the twist and pinch on a few flowering plants getting too tall and it really helped. Did it over a week ago, nice swollen little nub on em now and much even-er. Thanks!
Anybody miss me? Well i'm still around, same system, just one pot though. I'll be starting a grow journal in a week or so, it's been a minute for me so I'm getting my ducks lined up.
