Miracle Grow Works Fine


Well-Known Member
I have used it as well, but it is extreemly hot and must be used with care. Have you tried miracle gro african violet liquid 7-7-7 in the purple bottle? I have used it with alot of success and I like it much better than the blue granules, and it's just as cheap. I start with 8 drops per gallon of water and work my way up from there. In my opinion if you properly adjust the way you use the fertilizer it is as good as anything that I have used, including fox farms.
I haven't ried any other nutes. The only reason I did the MG is because it was already in the garage.


Well-Known Member
You guys are correct. MG does work. The problem is, the fertilizer sources were meant for things like ornamental flowers, not for consumables. The time release nutrients are of low quality and leave harsh residues within your final product. I'm not going to come out and say that it doesn't work, but it is far inferior to other products on the market, and also to compost you could be making in your backyard with products that you normally throw to waste. When it comes to clean smoke, MG doesn't cut it. If you want to swear up and down about how great it comes out, thats fine. It just goes to show the quality of cannabis you have come into contact with.
What is in MG or not in MG that is in or not in others that makes this HUGE difference. And WHY is MG the only one to get shat on like this??? Did MG come on here and start talking about your moms or something???
Is MG the ONLY nute brand that uses a similar mixture to itself.

I agree with rottedroots. You may have grow MJ 30x, but you haven't dealt with plants in general and don't realize that they aren't babies their whole life.

It's almost like a mom that is afraid to let her daughter go off to college.


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Journal link?

SunB, they can absolutely be used for other plants but they are specifically engineered to bring the most out of your genetics. I'm not knocking MG in general, sure there are some people who either get lucky or feed ultra light or just know how to watch their plants that have some luck with it but those aren't usually the people using it. It's usually the newer growers looking to save a buck or not have to go to a hydro store that buy the time release stuff and get burnt a month in.
The last hydro I walked in had no idea what molasses was used for, hopefully due to the fact molasses cannot be absorbed w/o soil. Yet many(for soil grows)of the products sold there contained it in one form or another.


Well-Known Member
I feed ultra light with MG. So that's why it's working out perfect for me. I wasn't even going to add nutes, until I noticed a kind of dullness to the green in the leaves. I'm also a newer grower (First EVER indoor) looking to save a buck.


Well-Known Member
You guys are correct. MG does work. The problem is, the fertilizer sources were meant for things like ornamental flowers, not for consumables. The time release nutrients are of low quality and leave harsh residues within your final product. I'm not going to come out and say that it doesn't work, but it is far inferior to other products on the market, and also to compost you could be making in your backyard with products that you normally throw to waste. When it comes to clean smoke, MG doesn't cut it. If you want to swear up and down about how great it comes out, thats fine. It just goes to show the quality of cannabis you have come into contact with.
Not for consumables?, many people use it specifically for tomatoes. I switched to composting etc 2 years ago, but not all have the luxury of an outdoor garden to work with. I've taken $3 bags of cheap potting soil and amended it w/ MG perlite...worked fine. I'm certainly not promoting the Scott's corp...but a LOT of products on the market just aren't worth the expense.


Well-Known Member
Not for consumables?, many people use it specifically for tomatoes. I switched to composting etc 2 years ago, but not all have the luxury of an outdoor garden to work with. I've taken $3 bags of cheap potting soil and amended it w/ MG perlite...worked fine. I'm certainly not promoting the Scott's corp...but a LOT of products on the market just aren't worth the expense.
this is my second grow. i was using gh and fox farm this time and i think i would have been better off with the mg i used the first time. my first run was so much better smelling than this second batch. i broke a banch off a couple of days too soon and when it dried it had no smell or taste what so ever...i am sure it may be attributed to many things, but i am talking a drastic difference and the only thing i have done different was the nutes.
if i over fed these guys the gh go box stuff, would that have something to do with it? i went through the whole box and their still not done. i am in soil and fed everytime i watered...any answeres?


Well-Known Member
I don't know kbo..MG and Peter's are made for consumables and I did not know that either had time released nutes of any kind..

I do however take issue with you dissin my compost.:evil: I may not import Norwegian Kelp (please tell me it's not really imported by FF) but I do use the finest Atlantic Bladderwort and Irish Moss and my worm casting are made In Situ by my own red wriggglers. My fish skins and gury are foul as can be and my fowl dropping are the finest a turkey can produce. My cow crap is collected from Holsteins who drop it right on my shovel AND I piss on my compost as well.:-?

Maybe your taste are more discerning than mine but what the hell I have been smoking cigarettes for decades so I'm betting my buds are pretty well shot. Do you really think with proper flushing that you can tell the diff between sumpin grown in FF products and sumpin grown in MG??

It's not how much you spend on your nutes kbo and I have seen "organic" fertilizer made at more than one location. One company called it "Sludge" and the other company used street sweeping from the city of Boston.:-?

Rock on kbo and remember were just talking shit here but your not a nice guy to tak poorly about my compost. In fact I'm hurt.:leaf: I'm gonna take my potato peels and water hyacynths out to the compost heap and think about it. It should be steaming nicely this evening. Just know your nutes!!!!;-)


Well-Known Member
this is my second grow. i was using gh and fox farm this time and i think i would have been better off with the mg i used the first time. my first run was so much better smelling than this second batch. i broke a banch off a couple of days too soon and when it dried it had no smell or taste what so ever...i am sure it may be attributed to many things, but i am talking a drastic difference and the only thing i have done different was the nutes.
if i over fed these guys the gh go box stuff, would that have something to do with it? i went through the whole box and their still not done. i am in soil and fed everytime i watered...any answeres?
The only short answer I can give is, you shouldn't have to be amending FF soil at all. But, that's assuming you transplant regularly. Even molasses I only use every other watering. I found out the hard way you can overdue it even with grocery store bought brands...took a month to correct it.


Well-Known Member
Journal link?
It's down there..

You guys are correct. MG does work. The problem is, the fertilizer sources were meant for things like ornamental flowers, not for consumables. The time release nutrients are of low quality and leave harsh residues within your final product. I'm not going to come out and say that it doesn't work, but it is far inferior to other products on the market, and also to compost you could be making in your backyard with products that you normally throw to waste. When it comes to clean smoke, MG doesn't cut it. If you want to swear up and down about how great it comes out, thats fine. It just goes to show the quality of cannabis you have come into contact with.
How old are you again? I've probably smoked more variety than you've seen on this forum... If I didn't get a quality end result I wouldn't say I did. If MG sucked I wouldn't have a problem saying so. Never used standard MG, but the Bloom Booster works great, start to finish and my buds tasted and smelled excellent.

What is molasses for? Would it be good to start adding to my non nute waterings?
Molasses feeds the mycorrhizae in your soil that breaks down nutrients for your roots to absorb, increases the uptake of nutrients to your plant.


Well-Known Member
It's down there..

How old are you again? I've probably smoked more variety than you've seen on this forum... If I didn't get a quality end result I wouldn't say I did. If MG sucked I wouldn't have a problem saying so. Never used standard MG, but the Bloom Booster works great, start to finish and my buds tasted and smelled excellent.

Molasses feeds the mycorrhizae in your soil that breaks down nutrients for your roots to absorb, increases the uptake of nutrients to your plant.

I'll be using molasses in my next grow then. Only like 5 weeks tops left in this grow.

kbo ca

Active Member
What is in MG or not in MG that is in or not in others that makes this HUGE difference. And WHY is MG the only one to get shat on like this??? Did MG come on here and start talking about your moms or something???
Is MG the ONLY nute brand that uses a similar mixture to itself.

I agree with rottedroots. You may have grow MJ 30x, but you haven't dealt with plants in general and don't realize that they aren't babies their whole life.

It's almost like a mom that is afraid to let her daughter go off to college.
Do some research on soil ammendments, they aren't hard to find. It's just the quality of the time-release nutrition that is in MG, was intended for flowers, not consumables. I'm not MG bashing. Like i said before, it does work. The small amount of extra money you invest in a better soil will be worth it and come back to you in your herb quality tenfold.

kbo ca

Active Member
Not for consumables?, many people use it specifically for tomatoes. I switched to composting etc 2 years ago, but not all have the luxury of an outdoor garden to work with. I've taken $3 bags of cheap potting soil and amended it w/ MG perlite...worked fine. I'm certainly not promoting the Scott's corp...but a LOT of products on the market just aren't worth the expense.
Just because people use MG for tomatoes, doesn't mean that it was intended for it. I'm not arguing that it works, I stated that it does. Even if you don't have space for compost, it is available at most grocery stores and local nursureys. Some of these local guys have the best compost you can find. It will work much better for your plants and leave almost no residue. I'm sure your 3 dollar bag of potting soil with MG perlite works. Respect

kbo ca

Active Member
I don't know kbo..MG and Peter's are made for consumables and I did not know that either had time released nutes of any kind..

I do however take issue with you dissin my compost.:evil: I may not import Norwegian Kelp (please tell me it's not really imported by FF) but I do use the finest Atlantic Bladderwort and Irish Moss and my worm casting are made In Situ by my own red wriggglers. My fish skins and gury are foul as can be and my fowl dropping are the finest a turkey can produce. My cow crap is collected from Holsteins who drop it right on my shovel AND I piss on my compost as well.:-?

Maybe your taste are more discerning than mine but what the hell I have been smoking cigarettes for decades so I'm betting my buds are pretty well shot. Do you really think with proper flushing that you can tell the diff between sumpin grown in FF products and sumpin grown in MG??

It's not how much you spend on your nutes kbo and I have seen "organic" fertilizer made at more than one location. One company called it "Sludge" and the other company used street sweeping from the city of Boston.:-?

Rock on kbo and remember were just talking shit here but your not a nice guy to tak poorly about my compost. In fact I'm hurt.:leaf: I'm gonna take my potato peels and water hyacynths out to the compost heap and think about it. It should be steaming nicely this evening. Just know your nutes!!!!;-)
I didn't intend any disrespect, nor did i "diss" your compost.


Well-Known Member
Do some research on soil ammendments, they aren't hard to find. It's just the quality of the time-release nutrition that is in MG, was intended for flowers, not consumables. I'm not MG bashing. Like i said before, it does work. The small amount of extra money you invest in a better soil will be worth it and come back to you in your herb quality tenfold.
Talking about MG fertilizer, not MG soil. The time release ferts in the MG soil is not the same as the powdered fertilizer that you mix with water...


Well-Known Member
Do some research on soil ammendments, they aren't hard to find. It's just the quality of the time-release nutrition that is in MG, was intended for flowers, not consumables. I'm not MG bashing. Like i said before, it does work. The small amount of extra money you invest in a better soil will be worth it and come back to you in your herb quality tenfold.
Not the soil. Their nutrient product.


Well-Known Member
I get it now.. I have never used MG soil which has a time release component. I think/thought we were talking about the Blue Koolaid water soluble chit. If you want to get nutrients to any plant quickly than the Coolaid is killer but it runs through the soil like bad potato salad runs thru me.:-(

kbo.. I don't think you were really being disrespectful. It take years to go from start to finish with a good compost pile. Sure I could balance my greens and browns a bit better for a faster cook but that is a lot of work. I feed my Koi worms straight out of the heap and one forkfull will give me an OZ plus of red wigglers. Now thats treasure.:roll:

PS.. I'm not sure you could taste the difference between weed grown using MG and weed grown using Foxfarm. I would like to see a side by side comparision on that one but then again, most wine "experts" fail when push come to shove. It's all good Budski's!!!!

Know One

Well-Known Member
I now use GH because I switched to hydro drip system. However, eight years ago I grew indoor with the MG 3 month time release and remember that I was very impressed at how well the grow came out. I really still don't know why it's so dis'd. No offense to FF or it's users but to me you are mostly paying for the name on that one. It is a good product but...