thread jacking!!! have at it


Well-Known Member
a WHEELIE!!!!!!!!!!

like when i was in third grade. :roll:

i have friends with bikes who can't go to the lake because they can't pull a trailer. they can't come over when it rains either.

a seadoo is a bike on water without all the boundaries.


Well-Known Member
seadoo's are great. i went to the lake this summer and bumped into my neighbor in his boat. he was there with a friend in his boat as well. must have been a dozen people, including hot chicks in bikins. i spent half the summer letting everyone take turns riding the seadoo, since they were hauling all the beer around. i would ride the seadoo myself, then jump in one of the boats and pound beers while others had their fun. my wife and son spent the summer on it as well. when you fall off you just swim back over to it and climb back on.

i guess if you're selfish and still trying to prove your manhood, a street bike would be pretty "badass". i kinda outgrew that phase 15 years ago though.

i saw a guy do a 1 footed wheelie on the freeway once. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! my wife and i just laughed. :)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
first time out i drove one into the breakwall trying to do a 360 ... i never rode one again better on 2 wheels lol


Well-Known Member
Nah I am more man then you will ever be, toy wise, monetary, educational or any other thing you need to spout off about to make yourself feel better. You're a sad twat stain my friend.

i understand you're a stalker not a troll so i won't hold any expectations over you.

you go boy!!!!! :clap: