Any organic solution to get rid of ants ?


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Does anybody know any organic/ecological solution to get rid of ants ? I have neem oil but I'm not sure if that's gonna help.

I also have this traps to put at home where they go in and bite or touch the poison to kill the whole colony but I wonder that using it in the garden will end up with the ants spreading the poison over my plants.

Any ideas ?


Well-Known Member
I got some stuff called Eco-Smart from home depot,around $10-13.Got it cause it is supposed to be safe around kids and pets.

It works.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I read the article but the borax used seems to be toxic as the guy says. Anyway, it gave me some ideas, I'm trying with some oil, water and soap, I'll see the results tomorrow and if it doesn't work will have to find something else :)

I got some stuff called Eco-Smart from home depot,around $10-13.Got it cause it is supposed to be safe around kids and pets.

It works.
Thanks dank, I'll keep that in mind in case the other stuff fails :)


Well-Known Member
they take the borax back to the hive and it kills them off. you just want to set bait away from anything your doing. seems to work well.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that the ants are in the garden so I need something close to the plants and everything else around (like cats).

If they were in the flat I wouldn't mind to use it in the balcony but doesn't sound like a good idea for the garden.


Well-Known Member
just set it off the garden a little, they will come it where ever you put it. wont kill cats, if they would even eat it. but your grow you would know best what and where to stuff. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Thanks stumps, I'll try some other stuff first but if I can't get rid of them I'll have that one in mind ;)