how can one quickly & cheaply lower humidity....i think it's stessing 2 plants?


New Member
i will put pics up is 1 View attachment 1805247. there is another a little worse. that was the 1 that recovered from alot of stress, being burnt by the light, being transplanted, and overwatering from what ppl. told me.

ALL advice is welcomed. thanx in advance.............joey:peace:
There is no cheap way to lower humidity man, A dehumidifier is really the only way...What are your humidity levels? I picked up a used dehumidifier for 50 bucks a few years ago in the local classifieds..But brand new your looking at hundreds....Try to find a used one...
There is no cheap way to lower humidity man, A dehumidifier is really the only way...What are your humidity levels? I picked up a used dehumidifier for 50 bucks a few years ago in the local classifieds..But brand new your looking at hundreds....Try to find a used one...

Actually you can make a homemade dehumidifier just with a coffee can, fan, and natural wood coal that needs to be replaced yearly. Coal also reduces mold spores in the air while extracting moisture. The more coal...the more moisture absorbed
i have an air purifier w/ a U/V buttom to kiil airborne germs, bacteria, mold, and smoke....anything 2 MICRONS AND OVER IT CAN HANDLE.

Ebay has them right around $120 free shipping for a 50 pint

thanx 303... much appreciated but right now i have my money tied uo in other things, like buying an hps soon, i have another cfl 42watt @ 5000k. then i'll have 8 lights for 4 plants. i have now over 15,000 lumens, a rotating fan that circulates air and strengthen stems, a small desk-type fan faced backwrds to exhaust any heat (b/c cfl's do give off a little heat man, especially if u have them ALL clustered near each other, also i have an air purifier that kills airborne germs, bacteria, cig. some- anything that is 2 microns or more it can handle. so im trying, i leave my window open to get fresh air in too.

Never argue with an idiot - they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.= love that, I ALWAYS SAY= SOME DRINK FROM THE FOUNTAIN OF KNOWLEDGE....AND SOME JUST GARGLE.. BEST WISHES & HAPPY GROWING
Till you git your humidifier. How big is the
light and how far away is it from your plants?
KEEP THE AIR MOVING will help to keep the
humidity down and lower the stress on the plants!
Picture 418.jpg
another angle  from sept 21 of stout and shorty.JPGalmost a month.JPG9.25.2011 Y SHAPE.JPG@ Mr. Ghetto... thanx 4 the helping. the lights r cfl's 42watt w/ the clamp reflector hood....and Y-sockests attached to all of them. i currently have 6 Ligths and 1 on order (and will pick up an HPS later) but im using 5. 1 is a 25 watt. but i have to get another y splitter socket. then anther socket for the 1 on order clamp hood.

5 lights are @ 2700k. 2 are 5000k. right now just the 5 are ptting out over 15,000 lumens. so 2 more will put it over or near 20,000 lumes..

some are as close an 1 incg...most are, couple are 2'' or 2 1/2 2 inches. sept 21st.JPG The 1 st & 3rd are further w/ respect to the measurements above. the 2nd & last are closer to the bulbs....based on the stress i see. it seems to work... i also readits good to move the lights aroung.
