

Well-Known Member
this is ridiculous :cuss: WTF is wrong with this master kush? :wall: the bagseeds are doing rather well i think, i had heat issues, some gnats (they are gone) and low humidity. the temps now are 74-84 with rh @50%, they have been on 20/4 schedule since they cracked, which was more than 2 weeks ago. i am trying to be patient but now one of the master kush sprouts has brown leaves and they are still going NO WHERE!!!!!!! the little veggers are a month old today, the bagseed in the blue bucket is younger and looks much better then the master kush sprouts in the black buckets. i would take all responsibility for killing them if they were all looking as shitty but the only ones that are crap are the master kush???

help us please



Well-Known Member
Hey man, i wanted to help so i looked up master kush grownig guide. here is the link, i only read a little bit but it seems to need alot of attention(dont really know i only read a little about the lighting) i hope this can help you.

let me know if there was any helpful info in there
thanks silver, i will let you know, holy cow that's alot of reading there, wish i would have read that before i bought them, the ppl that gave me advice suggested MK but i am starting to think they were a mistake :-(


Active Member
idk what it is- but they are def lacking something. maybe ph is not correct or the nutes are. are u givving them nutes at all? also- how often are you watering them?


Well-Known Member
idk what it is- but they are def lacking something. maybe ph is not correct or the nutes are. are u givving them nutes at all? also- how often are you watering them?
sure does look like they are lacking doesn't it? the ph is 6.8-7.0 it's very good well water, i think, i mean all the other plants in the house do well???

no nutes yet, i did use some super thrive the first week after planting. i didn't think i should use any nutes yet?? i have some bloom i have used on the veggers and i think there is some 12-4-5 ortho here at the house, you think they need nutes???? :wall:

as far as watering goes, i water them about every 3 to 4 days, when they are lighter then not and seem dry about an inch down. i wasn't giving enough water at first but now i give them about 1/3 gallon each, is that too much?

dig your location btw :-) i am close by lol


Active Member
in the pic, the soil looks soaked, unless u took the pic right after watering... check out the best ph for that mk, i know most strains need ph to be between 5.8 - 6.5..... about the nutes, there are some nutes that are made for seedlings like root stimulates and enzymes. usually they are not necessary but if you see no progress- u can use them at 1/4 to 1/2 portion. it might help. every strain need some differant care, (not that big a diferrance but still...) so that can explain y thees are fine and the others not.


Active Member
Sometimes .we get bad seeds that why I don't buy from seed banks only local breeders or orther real people not huge propfit driven companies. Were ever u got them ask for more or a refund prally a bad batch.


Well-Known Member
good idea, i will check that, i have been reading the link silver diesel sent me above about master kush and i haven't come across that ph info yet but i am sure it's in there. thanks alot
i think the bloom can be used on seedlings, i will check and if so i will use it next time. and yes, the pictures where taken after watering, but they do seem to stay damp until they are dry, does that make sense? they are either damp or pretty dry, doesn't seem like much in between. it's some organic soil/compost & perlite. maybe it's not good soil? idk, then again it's all the same for all the plants. just call me CONFUSED :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey withoutAchance, i was wondering that too, the seeds didn't look very healthy when i got them from Nirvana, not disrespecting them or anything but there IS something wrong and it doesn't seem to affect the other plants. one of the seeds that i didn't plant is very small and black, the other four, 3 of which i planted, didn't look much healthier but they were totally different then the black one, kinda small and grey, i wasn't impressed but then again, what do i know. thanks for your input :bigjoint: i think i will write them now :peace:
after looking through that link i sent you, the only thing i can think of would be there is just no enough oxygen to the roots, you can use hydrogen peroxide mixture with tap, you can use a 2 liter bottle or a gallon bottle and put water in it and shake it up daily and use that, and you could also use an oxygen nute which in my eyes would be a wait of money because you can add nutes to your hydrogen mix and get the most out of it. or simply what i did was try to keep the soil loss by pushing in on the pot on all sides to kind of gently break up the soil to where i can stick my finger in the soil with out having to try to hard. i hope this can be of some use


Active Member
whats prob happening is that there are nutes in your soil, plenty of soil manufactures suppliment there soil with nutes to last at least 2 weeks, sometimes more. did you plant the seeds in a seedling mix and let them grow before transplanting to the final soil.
you would think this would have a similar effect on all sprouts but strains are different, master kush is indica i belive, and therefor generally requires less nutes than a sativa strain. so its quite possible your bagseed would go unaffected by this


Well-Known Member
whats prob happening is that there are nutes in your soil, plenty of soil manufactures suppliment there soil with nutes to last at least 2 weeks, sometimes more. did you plant the seeds in a seedling mix and let them grow before transplanting to the final soil.
you would think this would have a similar effect on all sprouts but strains are different, master kush is indica i belive, and therefor generally requires less nutes than a sativa strain. so its quite possible your bagseed would go unaffected by this
you know that is what i did, i used the final soil for the seedlings. hmmmm what would you guys suggest? dang i hate to transplant them being so sickly so to speak, but i guess that would be better than whats going on now. or should i flush them maybe??? idk but that seems like what happened.


Well-Known Member
makes sence what nam is saying, mk is 95%indica 5%sativa
it does make sense doesn't it? what should i do? flush them? transplant them? i wish i remember which soil it was, i think it was scotts organic mix...i really don't wanna lose that MK :wall:

did you get your mylar Silver?


Active Member
at this point its prob best to toss the damaged plants and start over, they will never be as good as they could have been, but if you want to save them for genetics or whatever reason, best to just try to keep them alive, eventually they will grow out of it and establish a root system capable of taking in the nutes in the soil


Well-Known Member
Transplant......very carefully......get some seed starter mix......I wouldnt toss them out unless I have a bunch of seeds of that strain....
No, dont get rid of her lol let me do some more looking around i'll be back with a direct answer. and no i didn't get any mylar yet lol thanks for askin


Well-Known Member
uh thankyou thankyouverymuch, i will try to save them, the best that i can anyway, i will get some seed starter mix and cross my fingers :bigjoint:

lol Silver, i won't get rid of her, i will do as nam and jcdws suggest, i will try to save her and grow her out, not expecting much but it's better than tossing her out like so much garbage :-(