Myles' new home :) welcome all stoners n growers


Well-Known Member


kaia kush

heri jack-only bitch you can see through LOL

big bud


blue widow

white widow

white widow #2

mutant hashberry on left slow widow on the right

the jillyX grape gods. only one is yet to break the soil


kings kush



Well-Known Member
wow! just took me a wile damn. those look realy great man. have you grown that many different strains before? what a lovely toss up of strains

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I am subbed, very healthy lookin veggers Myles!! I pretty much read your first post and the last update, would you care to fill me in on what nutes and strains your running? Thanks a bunch.



Well-Known Member
the pic update today shows all the strains labeled (dont have a full up to date list as its grown quickly :p)

im running botanicares pure blend pro organic line with calmag plus and hygrozyme. All RO water. soil is foxfarm happy frog.


Well-Known Member
wow! just took me a wile damn. those look realy great man. have you grown that many different strains before? what a lovely toss up of strains
Norcal, i used to run this many a couple years ago but not these same ones. I love having such variety even though it can be a bitch to keep em all happy. Will be narrowing things down quite a bit once i find my one hit wonder keepers. looking for best quality and good production for a perpetual SOG with harvests every two weeks. prob get it down to 3-6 strains to keep as moms


Well-Known Member
oh ok i gotcha. i like to have a variety too just have three atm, i thought i was havein busy with my 3 haha. i remember when you first posted, thought i sub'd but idk (stoner) you've been quite busy i see and your hard work shows. im sub'd now fer shur, but ill probly jus be poking in to say what up and thro you n ur girls props!


Well-Known Member
good to have ya bro :) i was spoiled at my old forum with my large following but been pretty quiet here other then the few regulars.

i know it can be hard to fidn excitement in young veggers but its gettin more excitin now :D plants STINK already and they aint even flipped yet :p


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue thats why i had to make new treads or move em into beter catagories. plus my grow has lots of room for improvment, but cash flow is being redirected atm if you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
i had the same issue thats why i had to make new treads or move em into beter catagories. plus my grow has lots of room for improvment, but cash flow is being redirected atm if you know what i mean.
hahhaha if i have one guess i blame a woman in ur life LOL they the ones that drain my funds fastest


Well-Known Member
thanks kev, they get fed with an 800 ppm dose of pure blend pro grow formula every other wateriing here on out so shouldnt be a problem :)