went to grow... robbed? or busted?

I went back to my grow. which is a guirella grow. some background, this is in a quite isolated area in the country, there were only signs of a possible hunter on the land (tree stand about 800 yards away). I have been very cautious/sketched so I always wore a hoodie, ski mask, and gloves. I went to go back and harvest and really doubted anyone had caught on because there has never been any more tracks, so stupidly I never wore anything to hide my identity. This time I sensed there was somthing fishy, there were some new matted down brush and I just rubbed it off. Went to my biggest patch and found a huge plant (with some brown fuzzy bunches around some buds... think it is budrot (been lots of rain recently)) then I go to my other patch where there was 3 plants and they were yanked! Someone had taken them all except that first huge one. I was instantly pissed I didnt cover up thinking the cops found them and rigged up a camera trap. So I go back to the plant and cut it and snag the weed I could. and booked outa there. So what you think? A nosey hunter found them and just robbed my plants but left me with one, or the cops found them, took all but one so they could get me?
the cops would have left it all there and ambushed you with their people or as you said a camera in the trees or something.

Next time hang fish hooks from fishing line about chest height and when they snag into the shirt or arm, whoever goes back there will think twice about going further.


Active Member
cops would have snagged them all, even the irony of leaving the one with bud rot wouldnt have let them leave it. they might set up a trap to catch you, but this late in the season i bet they would be more worried about letting the product hit the street and just ripped them up. likely someone robbed you, someone with a little experience because they didnt take the sick plant, that or they didnt see it
thanks, I was sketched out like crazy today. I'll definitly do that next time. Some advice? I clipped off the brown areas from the bud. It was like big fuzzy brown patches scattered on some bud. I did some reading and thought it was budrot, so is there anything else I should do? also I have them in my car trunk hanging up, is this a shitty idea? I just don't want to get caught by my rents drying the bud out. I might take the risk and hang them up in my shed. which would be better?


Well-Known Member
thanks, I was sketched out like crazy today. I'll definitly do that next time. Some advice? I clipped off the brown areas from the bud. It was like big fuzzy brown patches scattered on some bud. I did some reading and thought it was budrot, so is there anything else I should do? also I have them in my car trunk hanging up, is this a shitty idea? I just don't want to get caught by my rents drying the bud out. I might take the risk and hang them up in my shed. which would be better?
If you are using said car this is a very bad idea ? plus wont it smell a bit ???


Well-Known Member
the cops would have left it all there and ambushed you with their people or as you said a camera in the trees or something.

Next time hang fish hooks from fishing line about chest height and when they snag into the shirt or arm, whoever goes back there will think twice about going further.
Don't set traps, that's very immature. You could injure someone that wasn't even looking for your weed. For instance maybe some kid was out squirrel hunting with his dad and then you put one of their eyes out. I guerrilla grow also but putting traps on other peeps land is a no no.


Well-Known Member
thanks, I was sketched out like crazy today. I'll definitly do that next time. Some advice? I clipped off the brown areas from the bud. It was like big fuzzy brown patches scattered on some bud. I did some reading and thought it was budrot, so is there anything else I should do? also I have them in my car trunk hanging up, is this a shitty idea? I just don't want to get caught by my rents drying the bud out. I might take the risk and hang them up in my shed. which would be better?
do you mean parents? How old are you?
do you mean parents? How old are you?
18 =/ and I don't think I would set up traps, I figure if I'm using their land, they have the right to take my weed. It was my fault they found it, should have chosen a different spot. atleast they left me my biggest plant. I just wish I had seen the finished bud from my other babies =(