Smoking Shrooms


Active Member
one of my buddy tall me that if you smoke shroom, you'll lose your eye vision. this is retarded, have any one done smoking shroom haha !


Active Member
No you don't get any effect from smoking shrooms.
The only effect you could MAYBE get is from the placebo effect.


Well-Known Member
thats definetly not true. ive put shake of shrooms on a bowl and did not go blind. did not really trip though. wasnt much shake. (golden caps)

ive heard of people smoking a fat bowl and tripping like crazy but only for short time. im sure its pretty unsafe though.

maybe if u smoke those crazy lil black n blue home grown ones, cuz those ones r fuckin nuts (ive experienced them in lake tahoe on a midnight hike, wow that shit was crazy)


Well-Known Member
you can smoke shrooms, but your destroying most of the drug that you want to be ingesting,

fly argaric animita's can be smoked for a weed like high, i wouldn't recomend it though.


Well-Known Member
My dude used to smoke shroom dust. That's all I know, idk about any effects or anything xD


Well-Known Member
damn dude your on this site 24/7 !! kk
Yeah, I love learning about new grow techniques and whatnot :P And my fiance is in rehab for weed >.> So I'm just chillin gettin grows started waitin for my baby :D


Well-Known Member
Me and my mate smoked a fat joint of half weed , half blue shrooms when I met him after work. Did nothing, and honestly smelt like dirt. We were just curious. We tripped balls when we took the shrooms later that night. haha


Well-Known Member
smoking shrooms .... WHY its fungus why in the world would you want to incinerate fungus then inhale it besides the fact that youll get nothing from it because your completly destroying the actives when you burn it

but smoking fungus cant be good for the lungs


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing. Its fucking fungus. What kind of idiot would smoke fungus? lol smh
smoking shrooms .... WHY its fungus why in the world would you want to incinerate fungus then inhale it besides the fact that youll get nothing from it because your completly destroying the actives when you burn it

but smoking fungus cant be good for the lungs


Well-Known Member
has nobody else heard that smoking any shrooms causes fungus to grow in your lungs its supposed to be really fucking bad for you


Well-Known Member
psilocybin gets destroyed through heat so if you burn a mushroom containing psilocybin your waisting money. Thats the reason that ppl recomend getting food dehydators without a heating element or taking it out to dry shrooms

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Thats right, heat breaks down the alcoloids in the caps, you'll get nothing. And yes, I have tried more than once. Its salvia that makes you trip hard for ainute if you smoke it.


Well-Known Member
No way, it tastes like crap, the only exception is the skins off some amanitas.


Active Member
probably if you extracted the psiloybin to a pure residue form you could vape it in a hash bowl....i honestly was trippen balls and smoked a bowl with a ful on mini bue cap in it and i swear i felt a instant like "peak' feeling when i eat them but followed by a very fast come down. Then again i ate like 8 grams of them that the cannabis so my statements probably are worthless.